Psychic Jukebox.jpg


Collegiate Definition

: a coin-operated phonograph or compact-disc player that automatically plays recordings selected from its list

Broadly: any automatic music player that plays selections from a publicly available list

For those who have attended one of my Psychic Galleries, or have shared a session/reading with me privately, its not unusual for me to receive messages via songs, from loved ones who are on the Other Side.

I’ve noticed those trying to communicate beyond the veil use the songs I am mostly familiar with, so it’s wise for me to listen to a variety of music. It’s a language or form of communication that is universal. I’m not always astute about the words, but the melody mostly comes through. Sometimes I make up my own words, to match the energy that is being conveyed by the Other Side. The correlation between the song and what it communicates to the receiver fascinates me, especially their response(s). Most of the times, the song isn’t just for one person. It can be for an entire audience – present and not present.

Sometimes a song says it all, yes?!

There is a correlation between my life and memories, and the songs that catch my attention. One of my favorite albums is Madonna’s “Ray of Life” cd. I love to drive long distance with that album playing. I truly feel the Divine inspires musicians to create songs to address a variety of emotions and scenarios, that can uplift, comfort, and guide us, et cetera. If anything, it’s a wonderful way to express one’s state of mind.

Music is an essential part of my development as a Golden Seer. In 1969, I was about 9/10 years young, when I experienced my first vision. We lived in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was in the bedroom I shared with my little sister, laying on my bed. There was a lovely, fragrant breeze blowing through the open window. Through the adjoining wall I could hear my oldest sister playing songs on a phonograph. The song playing was “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Iron Butterfly. (For decades I thought the song said, “In the Garden of Eden”.) The music hypnotized my senses. I felt as if I was traveling at warp speed through many scenarios, landscapes, and spaces. It was so real to me that I felt like I could reach out and touch the waters flowing beneath me. I can honestly say that’s when I started to see a correlation between the music and my senses. Imagine my surprise when I saw the exact same image, I had experienced in the vision, on the cover of LIFE Magazine - months later!!! I truly believe I had innocently astral projected, and witnessed the event that was photographed.

I’ve learned through the decades to pay attention to the songs that play in my head as a client or situation presents itself. There are always significant messages within the songs.

There’s something about the song by Phil Collins - “In the Air Tonight”, that always foreshadows something sinister in the midst. I know when I hear that song playing in my mind, it’s time to “baton down the hatches” and protect myself. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced too many negative situations after that song plays. Now, if I hear it on the radio, I turn it right off!

Messages from loved ones, who have transitioned, can come through music you hear playing in an elevator; grocery store; doctor’s office, et cetera. It’s good to pay attention. If the song triggers a memory of someone you love, who has crossed over, it’s a good chance they are trying to send you a message. It’s not your imagination. Enjoy!!!

In conclusion, there are a couple of songs playing in my head as I am writing this blog – “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from the Lion King; and Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell”. Perhaps these are messages or memories for someone who will read this blog. (Just a side note, there are always “Messages within the messages” I receive and share. There is no time limit. I’ve had individuals reach out to me twenty+ years down the road, expressing gratitude for a message they received in a song, that is manifesting in the present.)

Many Blessings,


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