Divine Mother Speaks - Changing and Holding the Vibration of this Planet for Future Generations


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*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)

The details that create this dimension of here and now, this world of here and now, they’re infinite details. There are details that need to be remembered right now. And that is who really truly, and what really truly you were created to experience right here, right now.

There’s some things in the history of this planet, it doesn’t need to be great again, it already is.

There’s enough greatness in the world to be happy right here, right now.

There’s enough food in the world to end hunger here and now.

There’s enough brilliance in this world to figure a better way than fighting over meaningless things that just don’t exist.

There are those who have lost their mothers and yearn to just spend one moment with them. Oh, how glorious that reunion is. There are those who have not lost their mothers, and yet their mothers are absent, in some shape or form from their lives. And there are those who have wonderful relationships with their mothers. I am all those mothers.

And where you have felt wronged it’s because you know what’s wrong! And so many of you have fixed it already, and you will continue to do so. And the return of the Divine Mother, who never, ever disappears, can be heard once more in your stories of Joy.

The Messenger came and spoke of Love One Another. Some of you are able to do that more so now, than ever in the history of Creation. There are more of you loving one another now, than ever in the history of Creation of this dimension, of this time, of here and now.

This is why, it is time now, for each of you in your our own temples, within your own Holiest of Holies. Now must not only love one another, but find joy in one another, same joy I have for all of you. Share joy with one another. Give joy to one another.

You do not have to stand in arenas of hatred.

You do not have to stand in arenas of hopelessness.

You are Divine energy. You created with Divine energy. And so will this message, one person at a time.

Stand by the clear waters of Mt. Shasta, even if through a photograph. All photos, all images, all art, are now doorways into other times and places. Every piece created, and preserved in a museum, now comes forth with the life force energy to tell it’s story in it’s truth. As you visualize Mt. Shasta, you will see such beauty in creation as you visit places of history, forests, tropical islands. You will witness that every thing is more alive now than ever before. Even that which seems to have been devastated is even more alive.

There are too many parasitic energies that need to be swept away and transmuted into the Golden Age, where those who love one another, truly do. And will share joy, share joy. It’s so simple, it’s as simple as acknowledging one another . Everyone including myself is acknowledged. What do you acknowledge yourself to be?
