Divine Mother Speaks - 5 Minutes of Prayer Will Change the World

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*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)

This channeling was recorded on 9/15/2017


(Diane Speaks: The last time when the Divine Mother spoke, she talked about how people pray like, “Take this away from me, or why is this happening to me, or God, why have you forsaken me.” But because this is a realm of choice that was created for you for lesson, they don’t interfere like that. She said, “If you turn to me, I can give you options. But it is not like magically we will take this away.” I would like more information about how that works. It is a big transition because people turn to religion with the perception that someone is looking over me, there is God’s protection.  

The other question is about prayer. We were asking this of the Rhammah masters too. In earlier times people believed in a father in the sky with the long flowing robes. That was an image people could relate to and pray to. But now the perception of God is a much larger and more pervasive concept. There is a bigger known universe and cosmos. Who are we praying to? When we pray, how does that work? If people want to evolve and move into this more expanded perception of what the Divine is, that is something people will want to understand. They don’t want to drop out of older religious concepts and have nothing to pray to. I’m not sure humans in general are ready to go without that.)  

(Akeeya’s Seer Voice) That was beautiful. While you were talking, I could hear and feel responses. I think how we should do this is, I’m going to ring this bowl and we will have a conversation. When I was getting ready this morning, I saw what looked like white light bridges. When you were sharing about prayer, I said look at those bridges, they are getting a lot clearer. When you talked about who are we praying to, I heard this, “First of all, Prayer is a bridge.”  

On a day to day basis, in order for us to communicate with someone or something, we need to make a connection of some sort. We decide what that connection will be based on where we are or what we have experienced at that time. On a day to day basis, we have the opportunity to communicate with a variety of divine beings. That is one of the things which they are saying, that all around you there is divinity.  

People will say, “Of course, because God created the Earth.” No, the beings that we are interacting with are all divine beings. All around you these divine beings communicate their energy, their agenda, their intention and their desires in a specific way. And through prayer there is a connection that is made. When we humans make a connection we say, “I have to go to the grocery store to get some groceries.” The groceries are there for us. The manufacturers want to sell their products and they are in competition with each other. But you know what your favorites are. You know what you can afford and are ready to partake of.  

It is the same thing with prayer. It’s like a grocery store filled with all types of things you can select. But of course, it all depends on why are you going there, what are you trying to buy, what’s it for and what does the recipe call for? She is saying communication is really vital at this time. There has been a burst of communication happening through internet technology. She said that prayer brings us closer together. Sincere prayer is for her a precious life force energy. A lot of times what she has experienced is about love and protecting others, also about finances, relationships and illnesses. A lot of times prayer happens when someone is going through something that requires her input. People might even knock on her door and say, “Are you there? Can you help me? Here’s what’s happening. What should we do? 

She says that each divine beings on this planet has a way of communicating that fits for them. She says she is very amused by the internet. She enjoys, as any parent might, to be able to sit and just listen to her children. “How are you,” she wonders? And for her, that is how she would like her interactions and prayers to be with people. Of course, respect is important, but she was saying that she wants everything to be a lot simpler than it has been. She says, “Just sit and talk with me. Tell me how you are, how you feel, what is making you happy? How can I assist you? What is on your mind? What do you want to talk about?” 

She says, “It would be good if every being just took five minutes every day to speak with somebody they trust. I don’t want people to talk to me if they don’t trust me. I trust them already. It is not necessary for you to communicate with me for me to trust you. It’s not necessary. I created you and I trust you to choose what is best for you. But oftentimes, some of you surrender and put your trust in others who are or may not be trustworthy.” For her, she says, “I trust you. That foundation was created when I created you. And a huge part of trust is about what we are communicating with each other.” Ask this first, “Is it safe for me to expose the truth of my being to you?” 

She sees prayer as a sacred communication, a time to communicate in a trusted space where no one can violate that sacred conversation. No one can violate prayer because there is a trust that goes beyond the words that are spoken. You trust the energy, the intention. She says, “There is not one prayer that I don’t hear and that isn’t answered in some way. There is always a response of some sort. But sometimes the prayer comes at the last minute.” But if a child is in crisis and calls out for help, of course the parent is going to rush to assist them.  

She says, “When we make a conscious choice to have the sacred, trusting communication with All That Is, that five minutes can be the protection, the positive outcome of future events that are unfolding.” It is kind of like my Dad (Akeeya’s Dad) used to say, “Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.” It is like when you are driving your car and you know you have to have good oil in the car. Do you put the oil in just at the moment before you leave the house? No, you’ve done it already. You’ve checked and made sure it is maintained.  

She says, “Prayer is to maintain communication with us, with each other. It’s being prepared, and it helps you to keep moving forward.” She is talking about five minutes of being quiet. One of the things which I (Akeeya) find helps to communicate for that five minutes is every morning when I wake up, I say, “God, what is it that you would have me do today? What is it that I can do to assist in making the energy where I am in this dimension at this time a positive experience?” She says, “Prayer should start your day. You should start any projects with prayer.” 

If you were watching a movie and it was boring, you wouldn’t really want to watch it. She says that, sometimes vain, repetitious prayers are said because that is what is expected. People say them without the true intentions of really meaning it, and that is boring to her. It is like listening to the same record over and over again until you just can’t stand it, like nails on a chalkboard.  

Compare it to having a colicky baby. You’ve tried everything you can to comfort them and they just scream and scream. Somewhere in there the child is communicating with all their heart that something isn’t right. The Divine responds with, “I’d love to help make this right. What can I do to calm you?” It requires a communication of some sort. Prayer is not just closing your eyes or folding your arms. She said prayer is also in everything you participate in, every step you take. It is the food that you partake of, the environment around you. It’s all.  

She said, think of artists in front of a blank canvas and they have so many techniques and mediums they can utilize to fill that canvas. The artists themselves will flow with the energy of what they want to express on that canvas. Prayer is creation. Prayer is not just about things like protect me, protect them, thank you for this, please give me that. It’s not just that, it’s creation. So, “Tell me and speak to me. Share with me your hopes and dreams, your desires and what you are thankful for. Tell me who it is that you love so much that you would not want even a hair on their head hurt.”  

“Talk to me and let us create together.” Ask, “How can I create at this time?” She says, “Once you are born in the flesh, you tell me, because when you were created, I told you. I told you that I created you for this. Here are your talents. Here are your abilities. Not everyone is supposed to be a builder or a financier. She says, “I love the Autistic ones.” And she says that she hates that term. She feels like the children with the term autism, broad spectrum or whatever they want to call it, that is just creation.  

How they are is how their energy decided to create with the mediums and the environment that were around them. And they are expressing exactly how they were created. But that’s not all there is. What people don’t understand, is that there is a communication that is exchanged. It is so valuable that it would blow the greatest mathematicians and scientists out of the water. They have wisdom and knowledge some of which cannot be communicated by that which is considered normal or average.  

There are those who work with what is considered to be the handicapped, the disabled, autistic and mentally challenged. Those workers sincerely love them. Whether it is a parent, a sibling or a friend, they find a way to love. They communicate that love to each individual in the space which they are in. That is creation and it’s not boring to her. It is what brings her joy. So, she celebrates that which is beyond superficial in communication, in spirit. She says she is always witnessing when there is communication or concentrated attention that is happening between mother, father and child, or assistant and child that supersedes average, normal communication.  

(Divine Mother Speaks) Pay attention my children. Pay attention to the compassion in the hearts of the parents who have conceived children who do not fit what is considered the normal spectrum. Have you noticed that as exhausted as those parents can become, they have found joy in even the simplest of responses, the simplest signs of progress? They witness facial expressions. They can communicate beyond the flesh. And yes, I hear their prayers.  

I know that many who have experienced working with those who are considered disabled and handicapped find great joy in these individuals. They are not stuck in the expectations that man has created for them. Such individuals are truly divine beings, liberated and freed. They find ways to express themselves, ways to show appreciation and love. Sometimes, even those who cannot look you in the eyes are embracing you with their spirits.  

These beings hold the space so that you can embrace compassion. They are a force that is recognized. These children are helping many to recognized what does need to be addressed. I speak of toxic substances consumed by those who it was not meant to be consumed by. Do I ask you to drink lava? Why would you put poisonous metals inside of a child?  

These children are great warriors of perfection, for in their seeming imperfections, you will recognize what needs to change. They don’t need to change. They are doing what is necessary. They are messengers for you all to remember why you are really here. I tell you, if you would spend more time grooming one another as the monkeys and primates do, what all creatures do, you would live longer.  

You are all so busy because the dramas that are set up in your social structures involve taking and taking and taking. You over consume resources, which is why hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, pestilence and famines are awakening with a tremendous and devastating force. Yet within a period of less than three days, compassion overflowed without hindrance. Concern, caring and sincere prayers rose. Compassion triumphed without the money you receive from an ATM machine. It was what you gave from your heart, your energy. And more lives would have been taken if not for the energy of the world in prayer. (This part references recent hurricanes.)  

And yet there are so many who are neglected and not affected by prayer. There are sufferings upon this planet which are not recognized by your media. They also require your prayers. Five minutes every day. Do you not understand? Every day there is something on this planet like hurricanes, earthquakes, famine, disease. If you can pray for five minutes, as many of you have prayed for the last three days, the world will change. The energy of this planet and relations with each other will become more polished. The communication will be better if the beautiful warriors who come in to make others pay attention, if they would be honored and not last on your list of budget concerns.  

You all grow old in the physical. So, please enjoy and play and communicate sincere emotions and spend time with others. People are not happy working, working, working and not communing with one another. So, here is what I desire. You have been told that all are invited to my feast. There are many who pray to see Jesus Christ, to see Mohammad, or to see a dear loved one. They ask, “Please, please, please give me a sign that they are here, that they know I love them.” So, come now and sit at the feast. There are no strings attached and I guarantee those who come will leave happy. They will return, for they are hungry, hungry for joy. 

You are all so industrious. You will sweat, suffer and juggle to be financially strong so that you can sustain yourself. What if I told you to sustain at this feast? Your lives will be the answers to your prayers. And right here you have the opportunity to break out of your routines, to alter how communication is supposed to be. Do you think honestly that I would limit communication to just money or the flesh? That would be like supposing I think all rabbits are white.  

You need variety. I have sent you so many messengers, and there are so many messengers on this planet right now. You need variety. You all sleep in different positions. You all have a predisposition to different spices and aromas. This is part of your spiritual DNA. The feast I speak about will be as if mother has cooked you a great meal. And no one cooks as great as Mom. It starts at the breast. Whether you are fed there or not, every baby is breast fed.  

Do not deny any mother that privilege. She carries the child not just in the womb and in the heart, but in spirit. I have breast fed you from my heart. Prayer is for five minutes a day so that I can hold you in my arms and suckle you from my comfort, from my attention. Do you understand? Now some of you will say, “I have nothing to do with breasts.” So, you will eat and you will partake from what is best for you. But this feast I speak of, it is to allow yourself to be once again fed, suckled and held.  

I am appalled at how open breast feeding is shunned by so many. Let us try an experiment then. What do you think would have happened to you had you been born, no formula, no variety of options in soy and milks, and no nothing outside of your mother? What do you think would happen if the mother didn’t breast feed? The child’s body would die, and yet you cut me off. Some of you have forgotten to pray, and yet prayer is awakening. You are seeing that now. Don’t let them cut you off from being fed.  

Those who are empowered to breast feed in public, like I have brazenly done from the time you were created, that energy alone is more powerful than the greatest weapon man thinks he can create. How dare you hide that which is divine and sacred. It is not for you to punish and judge. Shall I cut you off from my own teats? Those of you who have forgotten to pray, I have watched you, watched what has suckled you. And many of you who have forgotten to pray, have forgotten that you are not alone.  

Quit being selfish. You are gluttons, and you are the colicky spirits vomiting all over the place. All you desire is comfort. Oh, how you will pray when your possessions are in the path of destruction. You will cry, and many will want to say, “Look at my devastation.” But you will shame those who breast feed? This is why I use this medium. (Akeeya) This is why I have chosen the best. This is why I need to be heard now.  

I say unto you, “Whether you are male, female, or whatever you decide you are, you all must breast feed. And you all will breast feed. Why do I say that? Haven’t you noticed your nipples are beside your heart? Haven’t you noticed? Look at your body, for I am giving you a map of divinity. I have given you a map, and when you suckle one another, don’t you feel better?  

No one should be forced to suckle. I know there are those who are born who cannot physically breast feed, or those who cannot receive it. I understand that. But the gesture, the touch, the intimacy to be held by someone you love who loves you. This is what prayer is. This is why there is prayer. Yes, I was witnessing with delight how you were able as one heart to diminish and shift that storm’s effects which man created. You did it with your energy, with your prayers and with your love.  

There were so many in a moment who were told, you must only bring that which is valuable, for there is no time. At that moment, millions of you held hands together. Millions of you just wanted to look into each other’s eyes again. Yet you live with all these distractions from those who want to cut you off from the resources that I created to nurture you with. I created your voices. And with your hearts, your golden light, you significantly shifted the energy on this planet. And don’t you forget it.  

Don’t sweep away those things that have with genius been created. Reject what cuts you off from my breast. And for the hundreds of millions of souls that have been tortured for being different, excuse me!!! EXCUSE ME. I say to those who have continued to deny by your judgments, “Get out of the way.” Every creature, every being, every soul, every cell which I created has its right to express its divinity? So, I say to you who judge, “Be gone!!!” And if you have been created to be as you are with your pompous judgments, I don’t want to see it. You need some private time. But don’t feel like you can vilely ejaculate your vomit on that which I have created. I will not and cannot allow it.  

But do understand, I love you. I love you and I do want to comfort you. But you need some time out for divine prayer. Prayer from the heart for five minutes a day whether physically alone or with others will change this planet. To do that is your choice. And it has always been your choice. How sad it has been for those who have been forced to pray for what is not sincere in their hearts. If others see you in your joy, it gives them permission to see their own joy. We all have preferences. Even I have preferences. But everything is important. You are all important to me.  

I would like to address those whom I consider to be sexual predators. There are far too many unwilling, innocent loved ones that I have created who are being violated sexually. In the awakening to the understanding that the expression of sexuality is not limited to your textbooks, a serious discussion needs to be addressed and discussed. There are those who are considered homosexual, who are persecuted and told to hide. They have been violated. There are many who are considered to be sexual predators who have that in their nature. It is they who are or have chosen to be created as such whether willingly or unwillingly. They chose it and it needs to be addressed on this planet. But I am not pleased that any innocent is violated or abused in any form, shape or manner.  

Address the realities of sexual predators. I ask many of you to pray for the innocents who have been violated, who have been ambushed, kidnapped and taken into sex slavery. I need you to pay attention to those who are victims of this. Many of these incidences are connected to your governments. I am not criticizing. I am speaking truth. There are predators in your government who continue to abuse and violate the innocent. I request that you use your divinity, your divine energy, your power and empowerment to pray for them as sincerely as you did for those who faced this hurricane.  

And for those of you who are wise, you understand the messages within the messages. You see what’s within the statements in these last three days. What were you praying for? In these last three days, were you truly communing with me? Or were you like many of these lemmings, lost in the screen or lost on a phone or computer? You were not even looking at me. You didn’t see whether my eyes were open or closed. You were distracted.  

Please don’t be distracted in your prayers. That’s like copulating with someone who has abused you to the point of your heart being unnurtured or unloved. Who has violated your heart, your innocence? Were they so focused on themselves that even when you were copulating, you were just going through the motions? While denying yourself the ability to create with your own orgasms, you were just going through the motions. Perhaps you were looking at your watch, hoping that it would be over soon.  

I don’t want that kind of prayer. I also don’t want you to pray to me to kill others. I don’t want you to do that. I know who has harmed you. What did your mother do or not do when you were hurt, when you cried for help? Isn’t it wonderful when you have a mother who looks at you and pays attention? Even if it is just a small scrape, she does whatever she can to help you or witnesses you. And, you see, I need you to hear this right now because you are in the story. You are a part of the new definitions coming forth. 

If you love and you are a parent, it is the love that matters, not your genital or sexual preferences. It is your love for each other and for the child or children that matters. Everyone knows how a banana and a coconut cannot truly merge and mate with one another naturally. But yet, if you put those two trees in a tropical environment, oh do they create wonderful, wonderful energy. Come now, those of you on the islands or who have visited the islands, look at how I create. I put the coconut with the banana. I don’t ask you to judge the banana, for it is part of the experience.  

I would like to address you, Diane. Those who hear these channelings will hear my voice in a way that nurtures them. They will recognize this as divinity. And that moment may not come quickly, but when it does, it will be as a child who is crying for comfort in the night. She hears her mother’s voice saying, “I’m coming. What’s going on? Here I am. Let me turn on the light. Oh, there, there now, don’t cry. I’m here. What is it? Are you wet, or hungry or frightened? How may I comfort you?” 

Please, pray for five minutes a day. Let me hold you for five minutes a day. Some of you in the beginning will struggle with that because you have been starved for so long. I don’t know how or why it happens, but I don’t want it to happen. I love the beautiful sounds of cooing and your snoring. I love to hear you when you are comforted. And I like to rest too. But now you have woken me up. And some of you have forgotten.  

How you spend your money is a form of prayer. Think about it. Have you ever purchased something that you didn’t want someone else to know about for whatever reason? And yet, don’t those who are true parents always know when their children are hiding something? You are all inspired for your children, those who you gave birth to in body, mind and spirit. But most important, you birthed them energetically.  

This dimension, which is here now, it is the one where those who have watched know the stories of great wizards and magicians. This is the time when wishes can come true. Five minutes of prayer can make your dreams come true, but not for those things energetically that do not truly, truly nurture you. However, embrace those things that do. Allow me to suckle you, to hold you and comfort you. Then I can put you down again and watch you, listen to you giggle in delight.  

Come on, what do you prefer, to hear a child cry or to hear a child giggle? There is too much crying on this planet right now. And I can tell you there are so many other planets that are so filled with joy. Also, know that cannabis has always been legal. Use it to heal your cancers, to heal your anger. Use it to clear pollution and to allow your forests, our forests to revive. Earth is a starving baby needing to reforest, to be lush again, to be without pollution.  

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a vacation every day, to not have to worry about planting this seed because otherwise I can’t eat, I can’t be nurtured? I created the earth so you would always have sustenance all the way around. I created shade so you could sit under the trees and feel the difference of the temperatures that nurtures you the best. Some babies like blankets and some do not. Quit trying to take away the identity of Divine creation.  

I do not need to say this to you anymore. There are just as many male artists as there are female artists. It is so in everything above, between and everywhere. Can you imagine what you could create if you could have more cooperation with one another. Tear down those walls of discrimination. Allow people to be the cultures they choose to be, the tribes they are.  

I don’t like to be bored, and some of you are becoming boring. Many of you parents out there know that sometimes we will sit through something because we love our children. But it is not always entertaining. And we don’t like to see our children bored, do we? Breastfeeding was meant to be witnessed so you won’t forget that you could not survive without being fed. I did not ask of you to be injected and suffocated with toxins at my breast. Quit it or I will clean up your mess and you will have time out.  

So, you have been praying in the last three days sincerely. But have you taken five minutes to communicate with me? And please, let us be creative in prayer. I relish the energy of mouths chanting Om in the Himalayas. But I also enjoy the prayer of a good Rap song. So, choose how it’s best for you to pray, but please in that, don’t violate one another. If you need some private time, it’s okay. We don’t have to witness it.  

Isn’t it wonderful when a child reaches the age of around two in this earthly dimension’s time? And they can somehow, someway after two years of sincere attempts to communicate with one another tell you what they truly want, what they truly need. And yet I am concerned about how there are many emotional needs that are being shut down and denied. A child will tell you who they are by the age of two if they are not violated in their innocence.  

Stand up in your prayers against those who would abuse and prey upon the innocent sexually. They have their place on this planet, but perhaps it is together. For them to be in your governments is unacceptable. How can you be in a government where the innocent ones are not protected? The first government, the first leader, the first president, the first emperor, the big Kahunas are right in between your breasts.  

There will be a dissipation, a significant change upon this planet in your awareness during that moment when you are told you must evacuate and take only that which is most valuable to you. You will only have a few moments, if even that. What would you take with you? And consider the awareness if you must evacuate your flesh.  

I have heard the prayers of those who have lost loved ones suddenly, unexpectantly. Some ask me, “Please don’t let them die.” But it is in that moment where all illusions are removed. That which matters most is felt in its innocence. Don’t deny yourself that sacred moment of feeling what you feel. Some of you learn to express yourself only at the moment of a death of a loved one.  

This has been a consistent message of “My Golden Seer,” The Goddess Akeeya. She is My Goddess. So, we invite you to the feast. Bring your joy. Share your joy. Goddesses enjoy the joy of life. Your mother, your government started in my heart. Your heart is my government. If it’s in your heart to kill and maim, create some community of the similarly inclined in a small desolate space and get it over with. Get it out of your system. But quit trying to destroy that which is my way of nurturing you.  

Come to this feast however you are, where you are at right now. Come to this table. What Christian among you, what Buddhist, what Sheik among you doesn’t understand resurrection? Why do you resurrect to experience more pain and more suffering? Haven’t we done this already? I have told you that I have other creations who have understood that. This planet is a paradise that you are abusing.  

Yes, there are those who want to loot. It’s because they are hungry. Can you imagine what their lives must be like, that in the moment where great compassion has been the focus, they are thinking of looting that which is left behind. It is time to give to these people. You cannot have it all for yourself. Quit being selfish.  

I tell you, if you share more you will receive more. Did not Jesus the Christ demonstrate this to you? In the multitudes there were only so many loaves of bread, so many fish. And his prayers of intention were to feed everyone, that everyone would be fed. That was a miracle, for there was more than enough for everyone there. When the eyes saw the illusion of but a few loaves of bread, or of only water, the intention saw ample bread and wine.  

That which is fluid on this planet is my breast milk feeding you. Does a mother want to partake of things that her baby is suckling if they are filled with poison? Why are you violating my waters, my milk for my children? Why are you doing this, and even injecting toxins into their foods, into the waters. So, those of you who are being selfish, prepare for a time out. But you have a choice. Either you behave or ……… (Akeeya suddenly pulls out of channel before a declaration of consequence is spoken. The session ends.)