Divine Mother Speaks -The Cure is Play


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Mamakeeya Akeeya Divine Mother Speaks - Play

*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)


2017-08-07 – Divine Mother’s First direct channel.

(The session began with Diane asking about the nature of God and our oneness as a race of humans. She also asked about the beautiful teachings of Jesus and how they have been altered. Diane said that she could not relate to the idea of being born into some original sin or sins passed through generations to innocent children. Much of the first section of this session has Divine Mother speaking mind to mind with Akeeya then relaying what Divine Mother has said.)

[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] I don’t know the ultimate answer, but what I have understood is becoming more apparent in this day and age when DNA can be analyzed. People now realize they can have roots from many cultures. This is how the Divine has explained it to me. At the moment of conception, everything that the parents had known up until that moment is transferred into that child’s belly button. The belly button is the divine seat, the divine core. It’s like our first brain, before the brain develops this is where it starts.

All of that wisdom, all of that knowledge and experience, all the things that tempted you, everything that was difficult for you or learned as an absolute as a child goes to that incoming child. So, what happens is the same thing with your generations, because it is in the DNA. This is true for the physical cellular DNA but also, it’s in the spiritual DNA. Those lessons are there because part of creation is giving us a choice. Here are the circumstances, and what will you do?

I really feel strongly that we become blessings to our ancestors, to heal what they could not, to be empowered where they were not. We will face similar challenges and we will face them with the tools they had at that time. I think this at least relates to “the sins of the father concept.” Perhaps the son is an alcoholic, but if you go back in his genealogy there is the same coping mechanism because it went with their DNA. We have a choice to stay in the pattern or we can change it for the better. I think many are choosing for the better. Does that make any sense?

(Diane says, “That makes a lot of sense. I’m thinking instead of the idea that we are born as sinners, it’s the idea that you are born with the karmic history of all these things. It is not a fresh slate when we come in because of all those impressions.”) [Akeeya’s Seer Voice] It is like your grandson’s love for trains. It is a connection to your father because it is something that brought him joy and it also brings your grandson joy. So, it’s not only the negative stuff. Even the passions we might have can possibly be connected with our ancestors.

Here is what’s happening with the merging of dimensions right now. The Goddess told me, that now we are taking on all of those aspects. We know the created things that are toxic or good, harmful or beneficial. So, we are saying let’s create something even better. It’s kind of like watching Monet when he was first painting compared to right before he transitioned to the other side. It develops into something even greater. That is God and how God is with creation.

We we are talking about how you wrestled with your own beliefs because of many rules and specific commands that did not always make sense. That is exactly why the Divine wants the message out there that we’re already done with the rules on the inside. We know the rules and our emotions help us to understand the rules. When things go extreme with our emotions we have to pay attention because they are telling us something isn’t of the divine for us. We can feel our emotions go from one extreme to another.

(Diane says: I had a very powerful experience when we were living in Hawaii. I would have been about 23 and I was looking into spiritual ideas that exist in other cultures. But I was very conflicted and feeling guilty about abandoning Christianity even though the church teachings that pushed me away from Christianity could not be reverse. I wrestled in my mind and heart about whether I was doing something wrong. We were putting on a spiritual retreat by the ocean and I saw three crosses in the sky. They were either red or orange. And I internally heard a voice say, “What matters is to do as I did, to act according to my example.”

In that moment, I realized it was not about belonging to an organization or denomination, not about professing a dogma that has been shaped by humans. It was about living your life with the values of forgiveness, compassion and generosity which Jesus in his short teaching career spoke of. But he also led by example. This was a wonderful experience for me because it took that worry away.  I wasn’t going to offend God by considering other great spiritual ideas.

I’ve realized that it is what we do with wisdom and beliefs, how we conduct ourselves that really matters. It saddens me to watch those who do heinous acts and believe they are doing it for God or for the good of their religion. Christianity has had in its history as much of that regrettable behavior as any we see in the atrocities of today.) 

[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] They think they have the right to execute anger and judgment for God. That’s what disturbs me tremendously, especially when it goes to an extreme. While you were talking the goddess was showing me a beautiful dog that was giving birth. The Dog’s belly was so full that it could hardly walk. Then I was watching the dog give birth to puppies. The first thing the mother assesses is, does this pup have what it needs to survive? A dog will not hesitate in taking its own young if it feels that one cannot survive. That is the first thing the mother does and the second is to clean them up, because cleanliness is so important.

The Divine Mother is saying that when this world was created, it was created in cleanliness. It was a clean world. Volcanos may explode, leaves may fall from the tree but there is a cleanliness. So, the young are cleaned and then the next thing is you nurture them, you nurse them. She is saying these are the very basics of life. The puppy isn’t looking, it is totally blind at birth. It only feels the energy of someone who is present there that makes sure it is fed, makes sure that it is safe. That is what she says are the basics and many individuals are not experiencing that, the very basics.

She said that even though there are times when it is necessary for these basics to be absent, it rends her heart when a child is born into a situation where it is abandoned or neglected, where its basic needs are not taken care of. Often however, benevolent souls will come forth to assist and cherish that life, and they want to take care of it. Even if there was something which was considered to be not normal, those basic needs have to be met. The Goddess feels what is happening in the current state of our society, our world is that we think we need more. Many people believe what they are is not enough, that they have to do this or have this in order to prove their worthiness. She says, the minute you are born you have proved your worthiness. The minute you have survived birth you have proved your worthiness.  

So, you watch these puppies as they start to develop. They lift their little heads. Everybody wants to touch them because they are so cute. They start to wobble and walk.  They don’t care where they defecate or urinate, they just let it go because they have to. Well, somewhere along the line people are not taught emotionally how to healthfully just let it go. This is a loss for humans. When babies cry, they cry so loud because they are not hesitant to express what they need or want. We are conditioned over time to not do that anymore. We are conditioned to say, if you want it, if you need it then somebody else has to either give it to you or you have to get it for yourself.

There are things that we are all equipped with that you can never buy. There are also things that we are equipped with that people don’t invest in anymore. But there are changes happening and Divine Mother is grateful for this. She is telling me very clearly that one of the reasons the divine feminine has been disrespected on this planet is because the egos of men cannot accept that it all originates from a woman. Life comes from the womb. You have to have the seed, but the Earth is a womb and you are a womb. The divine feminine is beginning to rise up again because through the divine feminine humans can recall those basics. Are you okay? Can you survive? Can we clear this? Are you clean? Can I nurture you? Are you nurtured?

She keeps showing me these little puppies getting up on their little legs. They are so wobbly and shaking. Once they are able to get up and walk around they play with each other. She says, that there is a lot of not playing going on anymore. She says that the sun was created to illuminate every child’s smile. Every raindrop is illuminated. Everything is illuminated. She spoke before about the petals of the flowers being her tears of joy at creation. But she says that there are things in play right now that she will not stand in the way of, nor will she hinder them.

Diane, when your children make a choice, can you stop them from making that choice? Not now, not when they are adults. What would you do if you felt like they were going to make a choice and you thought it was not the healthiest thing for them. You would make an effort somehow to say maybe you should reconsider that choice. But ultimately, they make a choice. And the Goddess says she is in the same position. There is nothing that she can do. Could she change it? Could she make it better? Could she clean it or nurture it? Could she start it over from scratch? Absolutely she can do those things. But once people are incarnated into the flesh, there is a divine law that says once they make that choice, she cannot interfere. But like all good mothers, don’t we always have a backup plan.

We always have a backup plan for our kids, don’t we? How many times have I had my adult children call me and say, “Mom I’m really sick. I can’t get rid of this. I’ve gone to the doctor and even that didn’t work.” So, they come and say help me. That’s when you can say something to help them make a better choice for themselves. Divine Mother says when you are talking about people who are in the throes of addiction, they have made a choice. Sometimes that choice is biologically made for them because of the chemical makeup of that drug. They may choose to feel no pain, or feel like they can’t handle a certain pain. She says, her job right now is to help them recognize their choices. She has to honor their choices, but at the moment it becomes a crisis, know that she is always there to give them another choice, another option.

Many people start off doing something they love. But as their life expands and they have more responsibilities, they have to get more serious. And what happens when people get serious in their choices is they forget to play. So, one of the Goddess’s messages with these puppies who are beginning to play with each other is to be like that. If people would play more with each other, and that does mean tumbling around and snuggling. If they would learn to do that it might become their choice to play rather than to get saturated in the numbness of pain. She says they haven’t learned to play. They are so often mechanical.

For example, let’s go to sexuality. There is such a conditioning now about how you are supposed to be with somebody and what you are supposed to do, what your genitals are supposed to look like and all kinds of other stuff. She says that so many people have forgotten how to play in intimacy. It is just like, okay I’ve got to get a relief. But are they really playing? They go into the mechanics of a relationship long term, like a marriage for example. But they forget how to play because they are all responsible and serious. But you have to navigate the seriousness. Once you have anchored responsibility, you need to rediscover the ability to play. Rediscover the parts of you that, for whatever reason, people told you weren’t appropriate.

So that’s the cure. She says the cure is to give themselves the option of allowing themselves to play. And to do that there is a lot they have to let go of, but they don’t want to. They cling to certain things because they fear to let go will make them unhappy or insecure. It’s the “I’m not” and that is contrary to the “I am.” People need to look at where their “I’m nots” are and ask, “Why is that there?” Figure that out and focus on somehow returning to the I am. I am who I am. She says that everything has its place. But her concern with her children is that they are more focused on profits. They are focused on wars and budgets and taxing.

There are people who are focused on taking away the things that help a child to create, things that would allow her children to play. And that is what really concerns her. If you want to talk about what people used to believe about paradise or the Garden of Eden or nirvana, or anything, the energy of those is one in which you can really play. She is showing me this image that reminds me of the nineteen-twenties during the depression. There are lines of good healthy people who are downtrodden and hungry. They can’t pay their bills and are standing in line for a handout but just to survive. She is showing me these people waiting in line and feeling lessened. It is almost like I can turn and see these cars driving by with wealthy people dressed in their finest. They are driving past these people who are homeless and hungry and suffering and sick. But the people driving by have no care because they have a party to go to or some fancy event.

She says there is wisdom in all identities of man on this planet. When your soul is downtrodden, and you are starving, and you are using all your energy just to survive, try to find some joy in those moments. Finding a moment to play is not as easy as it is for someone who is handed the golden spoon. She feels that unfortunately, there are those children in the playground, (my children she says) who don’t want anyone else to play and enjoy life. They want it all for themselves. Those of greed are trying to make it so that people from the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep are working hard. They work so the privileged make enough to play in the finest playgrounds. And the privileged are not sharing. People have forgotten how to share.

You will see people who are quick to share their political opinions. They talk about this and that, but are they really playing like the puppy dogs? Do they really take the time to play with each other, to enjoy life? There is more than enough time to do the responsible things. She said if you want to find me, go to the festivals. Go to the festivals where people are just listening to the music, loving each other’s company and dancing uninhibited.

She says, that’s where I am. And it is not just here in America. It’s with the indigenous people too. She says, look at the people in the Amazon. They don’t need a high rise. They live with each other and work with each other. I’m not going to say everything they choose for their culture is something I approve of, but they have time for each other, time to play.

Often in this world people don’t have time for each other and it is a crime. She says, it is a crime in her eyes and oftentimes people have labeled what I consider a crime as a transgression, a sin. In her opinion, it’s a crime to divert people’s attention from each other. She thinks that is a ploy to disconnect the divine cord that everyone has with each other. People will focus on what they consider to be rules. Diane was talking about rules like “Thou shalt not do this.” But Divine Mother said there is a worse crime that is happening unnoticed and there are forces that are making it happen.

You are not even paying attention to each other. You aren’t even looking at each other anymore. She said that is why she strongly suggests you correct this. When your eyes open, when they do open really look at another, look into each other’s eyes and play. She is talking about different things, like the way dancers from India use their eyes to express. Geishas use their eyes like that. She says, “You all have eyes like me. You have eyes of the Divine Mother. And much can be communicated by that.”

She is telling me that she has sat in temples all over the world, places of worship from the different religions. She has actually sat inside those deities with the eyes that an artist has sculpted as her eyes, and she has looked through those eyes. She said the ability to look through the eyes of others, that is one of the greatest gifts that she has. She can watch everybody express and use her eyes to see through them, to see how others see life through their own eyes. But she said that there are many pharmaceutical drugs, some necessary and others unnecessary that create a film. Drugs can glaze over what the soul can really see.

She said it’s just like when your grandkids are so excited to see you and you look at them and there is this merging. They know that there are things they do with Grandma that they don’t do with anyone else. Or it is a special time with just Grandma and me. She says that is what she wants taught. She wants it taught to everyone that she, Divine Mother, wants to spend special time with all of her children, all of them.

People can have ideas of what that means. To connect they feel like it has to be in a church or temple. Or, they need a personage like the Dalai Lama, the Pope or perhaps a seer like me. Maybe they have to listen to music to spend time in connection. She said that she doesn’t care how people do it. She just wants to spend time with us. And she feels that there are things created which prevent people from truly spending time with her. Obstacles are often taught to prevent this because it would empower them to commune directly.

She says from the very beginning Akeeya, I didn’t want you to go into what man has written should be done. I wanted you to go with what I have shared directly. And then she said, “I want you to expound on that. I am the Divine Mother of All That Is. I would never question any mother about the manner in which she would love her children. Even if a woman gives birth and it wasn’t meant for her to be the mother. It is an act of love to just be the tabernacle, the vessel for the creation. Consider the love of a mother and then multiply that many times over. There are many who cannot fathom the love that I have for my created children, for each of them.”

She is telling me now, that when the universes were created, things were created in infinity. That means it is not limited in size. That which is tiny can be grand and great.  That which is huge is not limited either. Some people feel that the bigger something is the better it is, the more there is. But that is very one dimensional. She says, “Be able to extract in this dimension, in life, that which truly awakens and brings peace to the soul. We always know in our energy field when something is contrary for us. We always know when something isn’t safe. That ability is something that was given to us. But sometimes people get blindsided by things that they didn’t expect. But it’s meant to be that way.”

People can become addicted to something, not just drugs, but something they didn’t expect. Then they realize, that they are an alcoholic, or a food junkie, or a smoker. There are those who may be factual, judgmental or even scientific who will say of course you were going to be an alcoholic. What did you expect if you were drinking that much. What did you expect was going to happen? So, what are people expecting when they are partaking of things created by man?  What are people expecting when they partake of things created by the divine? There will be those who will say, it is all one and the same, if it is created by man then it is created by the divine. But in truth, the Goddess wants people to know she is amazed by what humans are able to create.

There are things she says, “Wow, look what you did differently than I would have and that’s okay!” But she said there has to be a change now, especially with people’s emotions and the emotional nurturing they need. And she wants to speak to the leaders of the world, especially those who are leaders with vast wealth and prosperity. Go ahead and enjoy your wealth, enjoy your prosperity. Gift yourself the things that perhaps not every man, woman and child can ever think of acquiring in life. But it takes just a moment in all that prosperity to be loving and kind to one another.

This is a great time in this universe for those who have been deemed as greedy, selfish war-mongers to show their benevolent side, to be generous, to care about the sick and those who are hungry, to clear the waters and honor the Earth, to be the example. What is all that wealth and what they considered to be power worth when it comes time for their souls to transcend. Do they not know they will come into my arms again? And I will ask, “Did you care about your brother and your sister? Did you take the time, even a moment to care about those who are sick and hungry?” There are so many things that they can do. They can be generous in changing this world for the better. They can be generous in not trying to pit one culture or people against the other. They can be generous in clearing up things that are no longer necessary. They can be generous now.

She said she would like to see that. It is one thing for people to be generous with someone else’s money. But it is another thing to be generous with the money that they earned, that they worked hard for. She said that she is tired and grows weary of those who profit on the lives, the souls, the health and the hunger of others. She is tired of that. It makes her weary. She is the Divine Mother. She wants every child fed. She wants every child clothed. She wants every child to be loved and to play. She wants every child to create and to watch and to be watched and cherished. She said wealth was not just for the chosen few.

She also said, “That there is a price to pay for selfishness and greed. I want them to know that. And this time on this world, the leaders of this world have the opportunity to be benevolent, not to be worshipped but to be benevolent and do what is right. She said, taking from the poor is not right. Taking from the hungry is not right. And there will be those who will say, why should I have to pay because I am rich? She said because it was a divine blessing for you to receive whatever you’ve gained. But the manner in which someone obtains their wealth in this dimension matters. And what they ultimately decide to do with it matters. There are those in the depths of poverty who are able to give generously of what they know really matters. For them, the eternal playground is open.” This is what she says.

She said sometimes people play alone and sometimes they play in groups. And sometimes there are those who play alone who would like to play with a group, but they have never been invited. And there can be people who play in the groups that want to be alone, because maybe the people they are with don’t really resonate. She said it is important for people to clear their relationships. She said, “I will not force you to stay or be or visit with those that you are not comfortable with. That’s why there are so many different environments in this world. That’s why there are tropical forests and deserts and icy mountains, because I want you to go where you feel most comfortable.”

When a dog gives birth to her puppies, very seldom do those puppies stay with her all their lives. They go off to other families and they bring great love with them. She said the dog is a very sacred animal to her because they are here to remind people how you are supposed to be greeted, of how you are supposed to interact with others. She says sometimes families only will gather together in a church. They may not find time to gather together outside of a church. Or others may gather together over a football game. She is showing me the different ways people gather. If somebody they love is sick, or if a baby is born, or a there is a wedding, they gather. But she said that the separateness of humanity, especially in this society is not as healthy. Families need to gather with each other.

She is showing me the dogs again and the puppies. And now the puppies have their eyes open and they are playing with each other. They are beginning to get a little territorial about who can be where, who gets the most food, who eats first, who is alpha. She is showing me this and saying that all humans will do the same thing. They will go through that process. There is a core in the heart that says, “Pick me, pick me. I can love you. Pick me, pick me, pick me.” Humans yearn for that love. She is showing me where puppies get adopted, where somebody sees a puppy and thinks it is so cute and takes it home. And they take the puppy home and the puppy has to be trained to live a clean and disciplined life.

Nobody really appreciates when an animal is defecating all over their sacred space. She says, “I don’t really appreciate it Akeeya, when humans are defiling the sacred space I created.” With the puppy, you teach it where it is appropriate to go, what is appropriate to chew and what isn’t. It is necessary to do that. She is showing me how when they are little the puppies get a lot of attention from a lot of people. Then as the puppy gets older they may not get as much attention as they did when they were a puppy. She says that is one of the reasons there are addiction problems with opiates in this country. As people become adults, the older they become some in society get less attention than they are supposed to get. So, they turn to drugs to smother the pain.

In her eyes, you are all like puppies. You remain puppies, but the dog learns that it can’t expect to get the attention it got as a puppy. People are not as eager to say, “Oh, how cute.” She says very strongly to accept your identities, accept who you are and recognize the things that are good to to nurture and comfort yourself with.  I want that for you and I am happy to give to you that in abundance. But you have to want it for yourselves and some people don’t. She says, “I have to accept that Akeeya. As the creator of all that is, there are some things which I feel are good for my children that they don’t want to accept. And a large part of it is they don’t accept themselves. (There is a long pause. Up to this point, the Divine Mother has been speaking to Akeeya. And Akeeya has been telling us what she has heard. After this pause, the Divine Mother begins to speak directly through Akeeya’s being. The voice changes with this shift, and the Divine Mother speaks very slowly and with great emphasis on everything she says.)

[Divine Mother speaks] When the word commandment is used in my name, unfortunately in this dimension it carries the energy of, “Or else.”  Be obedient to my commandments or else, is like a threat. That is not how I am. I can command for everything to change in a blink of an eye if I so willed. But do not allow anyone or anything to command you to be what you are not or else there will be consequences. Discover your divinity in all the nectar that is around you. Allow life’s sweetness to open your eyes to the truth of your divinity. Discover who you are through lovingly playing with each other, nurturing one another, cleaning one another. So many of you live unclean lives. You have unclean emotions, unclean memories and unclean expectations.

Your rules are not meant to hurt you over and over again. You’re not supposed to remember pain. It is not how I created you. Many substances that are created by man numbs the pain that should not be there at all. And the majority of those who do take opiates, it’s not just physical pain they are numbing. In truth, they are also numbing the pain of responsibility, of feeling helpless, of being exhausted, of feeling defeated. I cannot interfere with your pain. But I can bring you comfort. I can nurture you and give you options, even if that option is physical death. Pain was created as a reminder that something isn’t right.

There are many ways that you can choose to try and make things right again. But I have witnessed so many of my children choosing a path of pain, doing it in my name. They do so because they think it is commanded, or because someone told them I would not be happy if they choose their own happiness first. (The Divine Mother’s voice becomes choked with sorrow as she says these words.)

What mother doesn’t choose her child’s happiness first? What mother doesn’t choose to love and hold her children and be delighted in their play, be delighted in their creativities. A child comes home from school in this realm that you are in. They bring home something they have created, perhaps the outline of their hand. They bring it to you and they are so proud.  It gets put on the refrigerator and that’s when the child thinks, “I matter. I created something, look.” It may be small, but even in such minor, beautiful ways that a person is acknowledged comes greatness.

You must acknowledge yourselves as I acknowledge you. You are divine beings who were created to enjoy, to be delighted in living, to master your crafts. I speak even of those who others consider to be the lowest form of scum on this earth, like the prostitute who must survive. And yet those of great wealth who come to her and use her for their own pleasure will prosecute her. They would prosecute her! This is not how or what I wanted for my children. Not everyone who is incarnated onto this planet will have a divine companion by their side. There are those who will have lives without a beloved by their side. Some of that is by choice and some of it is from necessity. It is not a punishment. It is a choice and because of this I created opportunities for all to survive in what they feel comfortable with.

Know that it’s the perversions of man that created disease. I did not create disease. That is how much power man has, that they can create what I did not. Can I un-create it all? Yes, but why would I? Even in human creations that seem abhorrent, the light of the divine will come through. There have been many incidences in your history where you might have seen an individual who was focused on creating something. Then by accident they created something so magnificent, so wonderful that had nothing to do with what they originally attempted. But they had to go through trial, error, test and many failures before success came.

To use my name in vain is hurtful. I want no one to say God created this when I did not. Take responsibility for what you have created. You already know the environments in which you were raised and exposed. Never forget every good thing. Remember everything that is wonderful, everything that is empowering and joyful. That is my name. I am joy! There are so many who will cry, “Oh God, why have you forsaken me? God, why would you allow her or him to die?” I have not forsaken anyone. Many in humanity have forsaken each other. But in the moment when someone cries to me, “God, why have you forsaken me,” That’s when I have faith in my children not to forsake each other. Adversity gives humans the opportunity to demonstrate their godlike nature, their ability to create benevolence and wholesome opportunities.

I hear the cries from the injustices in the world. I witness innocence starving. There are storehouses on this planet that need to be opened now. There are those who are hoarding resources of this planet, they need to open those resources now. (This statement is shouted emphatically.) There is no place for greed in my heart. Greed was created by man, not by me. I do not want that responsibility, nor would I invest in it. But if one demonstrates greed, I as a mother will teach them humility. Isn’t that what we are here to do?

You can suckle at my teat and I will nourish you when you are blind. But I also delight in you when your eyes are open. What you choose to share with each other is up to you. But always remember there is always more. There is always more of the wonderful. There is always more, and you taste it and you know how wonderful it is. For whatever reason, it may become absent in your life. Perhaps that is through choice or perhaps through ascension, but you will experience gratitude for what you had. You will have a desire again to experience that which brought you joy and happiness and a feeling of being loved. That is my energy, for that is who I am.

Man should take responsibility for what man has created. I take responsibility for what I create. I take care of you. From the moment I created you to the moment you decide on your own creation, I take care of you. You will prosper. You will experience joy. I sent so many to teach you how to forgive each other. Some of those emissaries stand out more than others. Some work in the shadows. Just as I ask you to forgive yourself and each other, I ask that you forgive me. There will be questions as to why I would ask this. And I say, forgive me for I know what is best for you. And at times, when you are kicking and screaming and angry at me, there is something more wonderful you deserve in your life that can only happen by what you are experiencing. Do you have to suffer? All humans suffer. Do you have to be patient? Do you know how long it took me to create all the universes?

All I require of you is to love one another as I have loved you, as I will continue to do. But please, stop torturing each other. Stop fighting amongst each other. What mother enjoys her children bickering and fighting? I certainly do not. There are those who say they fight for love, for justice. But I know the difference. I know the difference between fighting for justice and fighting for greed. I gave birth to you after all. And this planet needs to respect the mothers. Every womb on this planet is sacred. The wombs must be preserved. Without the womb, there is no life. Man will try to recreate life outside of the womb. But you see, the flesh touching is vital nurturing that all beings need. Opiates prevent that. Opiates create a scenario where the beings are so numb to their pain that they will withdraw.

It is not about doing more, it’s about being more. Being more to yourselves. Be more of who you truly are and express it. And quit making other people responsible. You are responsible for what is within you. You are responsible for what you gave birth to. I am waiting eagerly for you to come home so that I might display your creations. I will do so with great joy and pride in what you have created. Engrave your lifetime with your mark, with your identity, your signature and your style. It is perfectly fine to emulate those who you admire, but create it in your own style. Do it in your own way and show me who you are as an individual. I love to look at you and say, “Ah, she’s just like me. He just does this like me. We can do that, and I love it. They get that from me.”

I will go to war to protect the innocent. I will go to war to feed the hungry. I will go to war to make sure that my children are nurtured and loved and taken care of. But too many use my name in a war that is faked. It is not okay to destroy civilizations and cultures that have taken thousands of years to create and develop. They should be preserved. This is why I love museums, they preserve human creations. I will do my best to preserve what I can at this time. But when humanity decides to destroy something, I will create from that destruction.

I promise you my children, I will create from the destruction which I did not create. I will heal what I can. But I ask you to take the reins of compassion and kindness and caring that goes beyond your bloodlines and beyond your greed. Nurture one another through music, through dance, art and delicious food. Nurture through being present for others, through touch and through generosity. I ask you to take the reins and be who you were created to be. You are gods and goddesses upon this Earth, incarnated for benevolent reasons. The battle that is going on right now is greater than what I consider to be the best. But, my interpretation of battles, it is vastly different than humanity’s interpretation.

I did not create cancer. Man created cancer. I did not create hunger. Man created hunger. I did not create disease and I did not create prejudice. Man created prejudice. I am not ready to control you. I am here to love you. I will always love you and I will always protect you. There are those who depart this world in heinous ways which they did not deserve. They are innocent people who have so much potential to create, but I am present to help them. I will gather them back into my womb and I will nurture them.  I will give them peace. I will let them play once again with each other. And I will love them.

This is my message for those of you who feel like your loved ones have been taken from you too soon. This is for those who have known love and appreciated love and are grateful for love. Know that it is not taken from you. It is preserved for you. It is waiting for you and it is ready for you to enjoy again. I will not, I will not take from you that which your heart truly, truly loves. I am sorry you are witnessing your children dying because of the creations of man. I am sorry, but I am grateful for those who become avatars of healing and hope, of nurturing and compassion.

Rise avatars, rise. Now is your time to rise for if you do not, if you do not there will be more pain and suffering that is unnecessary. Rise avatars, rise and show who you are. Do not be afraid. You are sanctioned by the Divine. You are blessed by the Divine and in the process, it is quite possible that mankind will try to destroy you. They may try to cease the work that you do, to throttle you when you are weak. But you must stand. Please stand because I believe in you and I believe you know what I created for you.

I created abundance for all of you, not for one or a few of you to hoard. I did not create for you to be greedy or to reign over others with what I created. No, that was never my way, never. My promise unto you my beloveds is eternal life, eternal joy and love, eternal peace and happiness, all eternal, oh my loves. I will never leave you and I will always believe in you. I will always believe in you. Come to me in your dreams awake and asleep. Come to me and know that I have storehouses and vast resources for you to tap into now. Now is the time for humanity to be greater than it has ever been. Now is the time for you to rise up in dignity and respect one another. Now is the time!!!

(When this session ended, Akeeya had trouble knowing where she was. The discourse had been delivered with such passion and emotion. She kept saying, “I don’t know where I am.” Diane says to Akeeya that she has been channeling the Goddess, the Divine Mother of All Creation and that it might take a little time to come back into her own body.

Akeeya says to her: “I am above the Earth right now. It is blue sky and I’m above land. I’m looking at all kinds of land and I see everything. I feel like I’m above everything.”

Then Akeeya says: I can see my toes, but I can’t feel my toes. I can’t feel my toes, but I’m not scared.” Diane says, “Can you feel me touch them?” She massages Akeeya’s feet. Akeeya begins shaking and drawing rapid little puffs of breath in and out, then gradually she can begin to wiggle her toes and then feel her toes.

Goddess said, “I’ve always enjoyed playing with you Akeeya. And if I can have a moment to play with you it means everything to me. She says there is a part of you that always wants to come back and play. She says, I need you to play with my children now. Teach them how to play again Akeeya. Teach them to play fairly with each other. This is our mission.” Akeeya then seems to fully come back into her body.)