Divine Mother Speaks - Law of Concentration & Consequences


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*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)


2017-10-16 – Divine Mother’s Second channel.

(The session begins with Diane asking about human attitudes to death and dying, and our attachments to other things. A big mass shooting in Las Vegas had just occurred and it was on everyone’s mind. Diane asks, “It appears that in our realm life forms are created and life forms die, matter gets destroyed. What is the Divine purpose in that? And what does creation learn from our dilemma of attachment? What is gained by suffering because of the loss of something we judged as real? Even if it is all a hologram or illusion as some belief concepts portray, we feel it. There is real pain for us because we have a body with emotions.) 

Akeeya says, I can give you an answer on that one first. I’m just answering what they are saying. You know how that is.

[Akeeya Seer Voice] This is a crayon, and this is a canvas. When a small child sits down with crayons for the first time, maybe they will make a line or a circle. And then you’ll say, “Oh that’s a pretty color. What is that?” And they will tell you, “It’s a house, and a tree and this and this.” You look at that same child at six years old and that drawing will have evolved into something more recognizable. It will look like a house or a tree. But in reality, these are just crayons, and this is just canvas.

People need to look at their abilities as artistic tools to create with. When a small child creates with a crayon, at the time they are doing it they are in such joy. When they drop that crayon, they are not attached to it until they want to draw or create again. Adults get attached to this dimension because we want to create, again and again and again. Amongst both individuals and situations, we choose our favorites to create with lifetime after lifetime.

You spoke about the atrocities, like when people take other people’s lives. There is murder and we ask why it is allowed to happen. When you spoke of that, I heard the divine voice speak very clearly. It said, “Because you have more than one name. You are not just one being.” In the moment when a tragedy strikes, whoever is connected to that tragedy, be it directly or indirectly, they connect. And in this dimension, we want to know their names. Who were they, how old were they, what were they doing and all kinds of other details? We pay attention to their identity. Even though it was such a big tragedy, people pay attention to the individual who suffered. What did they like to do? Where did they like to go? We do this even for the shooter or shooters.

The divine is saying it is going to happen again and again and again, because there are people who don’t know how to release. That is one of the wonderful things about this dimension. You have the ability to let go, the ability to release and to choose. That is one of the best things. But we are all names. And we have many names in various dimensions. In this realm, we have a name we are born with or that somebody gave us when we emerge from the womb. And that name carries with it an energy.

When the child emerges, we stick with that one name. People get used to that identity, to being called by that, directed by that, held by that and loved by that name. But in truth, a child is born with many names from other lifetimes, other dimensions and realms. As the child continues to develop other names get used. Some of them are nicknames, not all of which are nice. There are other names like son or daughter, mom or dad, or perhaps an endearment or a title. With those names can come an identity change which may be releasing or elevating, and sometimes denigrating.

They kept telling me about this all last night. I kept seeing bright flashes of light, circles of light. I saw huge circles of light in the whole room. Diane, I was looking at you last night and you were in an orb. I didn’t know if I should tell you or not. I could see Mr. V in an orb. But the orb was not attached to either of you. It was in movement going all around here. It looked electric light-blue and streaming from it were these radiant beings of colors that I’ve never seen before. It happened all night last night. It came from a huge portal that was above my bed and it is still open. Now that I’m down here it has expanded to encircle the whole building.

This is so interesting. The voice is saying, “Akeeya they are going to ask, which goddess are you? And if you are a goddess, what powers do you have.” Humans are conditioned to believe that if someone is a goddess, or a divine being, they can just snap their fingers and it’s done. She is telling me, “Don’t allow people to put a limitation on you and what you are supposed to do and how you are supposed to present yourself as a goddess.” She said this, and I say she because it’s a feminine voice. It’s the goddess voice. But I can’t say it’s not masculine, because there is also masculinity with it.

I think this is the Divine Mother, the creator of all that is. And I do believe it is the creator of all that is. I believe it with all my heart, because since she has come through, there have been affirmations. There are confirmations that come from others, things that have happened that seem quite miraculous. I think that there needs to be a discussion and an elaboration to allow people to recognize that there are many divine beings. Even if some people might say that is paganistic. Even if they don’t believe in these gods or goddesses, they do exist. I can see many of them.

We are supposed to honor all our identities, living and in death. Because when we die, there is a greater definition of who others feel that we are. At that moment of death, there are individuals who are connected to the one crossing. They are connected one way or another, here or on the other side. That person just lived an identity, and hopefully everyone else adds to it.

When people die, sometimes it is easier to forgive because you can focus on traits that were less recognized. But it can also be not as easy to forgive. Some people just can’t forgive. And when there is not a forgiveness upon somebody’s death, they hold on to it and carry it. It doesn’t mean the situation is never forgiven, because they will be given an opportunity to have that experience again with that individual somehow, someway. And the hope is that there will not be an offense to the soul in the next incarnation. It’s hoped that there will be understanding or revelation of why that thing happened.

They told me to talk about why goddesses have a lot of different names. Here is my walker. I have a walker in my car and I can use that one, but it’s bulky and falling apart. This one doesn’t replace the old walker. The memories and everything are there. But this one will create new memories, new energy. Plus, it came with a history. You gave me this one and you were giving me a history of where it has been up until now. Each of us, every soul has a history, and nobody wants a boring history. All of us want to be acknowledged as a creator or a significant personage of some kind. And she says, that is the goddess and god energy within all of you.

That is part of your divine construct. You all want to be recognized somehow, someway. Even those who become hermits and shut themselves off, they still want to be acknowledged. A name acknowledges you, so it is an important part of your creation. But a name is like a crayon. It’s not the masterpiece. You are the masterpiece. And often, when people get towards the end of their lives, there is a fear that it is over. They wonder if they will exist at all and whether they will create again with the same individuals or in the same place.

The answer is there are places like the I experienced in the golden hall of seers. These places are just like a library with books upon books upon books. Death gives a person an opportunity to take a really good look at their books and read and share their stories. There are libraries of lifetimes and people may wonder what those libraries looks like. She wants everyone to know it’s where you are most comfortable. If you are comfortable in a little public library, then when it is time your books will be there. If you hope for a grand, exotic one, it will be like that.

Sometimes people don’t review their lives after death. They just return, and they learn their stories upon their incarnations. They may have had a whole entire life and however they died, whatever they focused on, they take that consciousness with them. They incarnate back, and they may hear their own stories in the human libraries, on TV or through family. Sometimes that is how the healing happens. So yes, those people who died in Las Vegas, let me tell you what happened. This is what the goddess told me. I can hear her so clearly. She is right here and is really clear.

She says, “Akeeya, that wasn’t the biggest massacre to happen in the United States of America. People will say that. They will say, “Oh, it’s the biggest massacre that ever happened.” But what did they do to the Indians? People are looking more clearly at that history because now people are focused on the truth, the facts. That’s what death is about, a space where you can look and experience the truth of who you were. You might look at the times you felt you couldn’t give enough, but then you gave more than you even realized.

She says, “Death is a blessing. It is not a formal graduation. Have you noticed I’m not a formal being? I’m not into formalities.” She says that it is more than obligation. For, it is difficult to receive an invitation, a gift or physical gesture that is obligatory rather than spontaneous and sincere. She has told me that she has reached out to me because I reached out to her. I wasn’t obligated to do that. And you see how I’m holding your hand. Well, the Divine is always, always holding our spirits somehow, someway. But there are things that happen, by choice, consequence or just randomly. You have all focused on a recent tragedy and it creates a domino effect. She looks forward and she says, “When 400 lives are touched benevolently, and it gets as much attention and media as 400 people dying tragically, that would be marvelous.” She says that is just as important.

She says, “Everything in this dimension has a name. Discovering our names in this dimension is really important. A name has an identity that goes with it. Death gives us permission, no matter how we die, to really reconnect to our greater identity. This last year since my Mom crossed over, I miss her tremendously but also interact with her. I realize there were things she clung to that she refused to surrender. Like she really believed, this is God and God doesn’t want you to do this and God doesn’t want you to do that. That is inside me and I will always go back to that because it is my foundation. In her eyes you respected authority. In my mother’s eyes, a police man, a doctor, a priest were the biggest authorities. They were the closest ones to God. You treat them with respect, no questions asked.

There are wonderful things to that belief, but unfortunately, I also learned the other side of that. I went to school and started to experience some of these individuals. When you get molested, you realize that an authority figure is not the authority you thought they were. Although I felt like I had done something wrong because someone had violated me, which is quite common, I was able to raise up and say that isn’t my identity. I did nothing wrong, nothing except to be a beautiful young lady in puberty. I did nothing wrong.

So, I learned that I can’t trust these people, even though my mother said you have to respect them. As I continued to grow up, I realized that I respect those who had respect for their name or title and what it stands for. Death really is a time to respect each individual. No one should die on the battlefield alone, but they do. But at the moment of their death, from the other side, great respect is shown for who they are and the journey they travelled. The total of the journey is considered. If at the moment of their death, they did create needless suffering, hurt, or whatever they created needlessly, even mercilessly, there is still respect for that individual.

This is so because everything that has been created is created with great reverence and respect. The Goddess says, one of the true signs of maturity is the ability to disagree with someone while still remaining respectful. She told me to tell everyone, just as each of your energy chakras have names, your bodies have names, the surroundings around you have names and the light you see has a name. You have something that can never be taken away from you. It is only expanded upon. Or it is like a crayon. You may put it in a box for a while, but if you decide to create again you will pull it out again.

Who doesn’t enjoy being able to be replenished and renewed and reunited with those that they have not interacted with for years. You are able to remember who you were at that time in your life. And they don’t remember that you had a pimple on your nose. They try to remember the good stuff. Like, oh yeah, remember when we did this. You remember the good stuff. And the libraries that we are, just even in Diane, right here, are libraries upon libraries upon libraries. Which Diane or Akeeya or anyone of you can access at any time, be you healthy and well or on your death bed. Those libraries are there for you to experience.

Goddess has told me, Akeeya, that in order for me to go and assist, it is like my body dies. The reason why my heart beats as fast is because I don’t live just in this dimension. When you travel in other dimensions, you need to be able to access the ability to go at the speed of light. She has told me, that the fear and panic I experience as I leave my body is exactly what many people experience upon their death. But I realize at that moment that I’m not dead. I am alive, and I can breathe. That’s good, because when I do die, I want to be sure my loved ones know that I love them. The panic is, did I finish everything that I was supposed to finish? Did I say what I was supposed to say? Did I share what I needed to? What she told me was to just breathe. She appreciates the breath of this planet, the breath of this dimension.

She is showing me something that reminds me of a key. It’s a key in order to unlock progression and ascension, to continue to move forward and blossom. She said, humans need the key of death. You need to go through it. It is like a wonderful meal that’s been completed. And maybe it was the best of meals and maybe it wasn’t a good meal. But she said, it’s a meal, a feast that you never forget. You never forget where you were happy. You don’t forget any of it. But if you choose, she says, you are given permission to forget. She says, everyone has permission to forget. And sometimes that’s the only way to start again. It is almost like a new canvas. You’ve created all this other stuff before, but what will you create now.

When major events happen on this planet where a large group of people are taken, it may be through a tragedy or malintent, or a natural occurrence. She said that people scramble wanting to know if their loved ones are okay. They try to restore whatever has been demolished or destroyed. But at the moment of physical demise for those killed, they return unblemished, not traumatized. I sometimes ask the Mother Creator about clients who come to me, and I can see they’ve had major accidents. I can feel how they died. She told me that was their story. At the time of death, that is how they died. She said I will always be able to pick up on that because there has been an increase in my abilities.

I am having this conversation with her right now, and it’s going back and forth. She knows that you are here. And I can see her eyes, Diane. She has beautiful long eyelashes. They move like palm trees in the wind and I can see into her eyes. That light that I see over this house, those orb-like circles I described are the iris part of her eye. That’s what it looks like. She has the kindest eyes. She told me that everything that is expressed on this planet she has already expressed. Everything that has happened did happen. She said that our purpose, you, Diane and Mr. V, and others who will emerge, because she deems it necessary, will assist in the process of ascension.

In our lifetimes, we remember when we wanted to pay a bill you’d either talk to a person and hand them the money or put it in the mail. Now you can call on the phone with a credit card or pay your bill online. She said this is a part of the ascension for humanity to help them cut through the crap. She said, “You’ve gotta cut through the crap Akeeya. I came to you because far too often my most beautiful and awesome creations are clogged emotionally. They are clogged.” She said that it is not necessary for them to have to die to ascend. It is not necessary for them to suffer in order to ascend.

And she said, the greatest and most marvelous dispensation is upon us. It is a time when things that could not be discussed openly now are able to be discussed openly. This is a time when all creators can potentially express and commune with one another. They can find new ways to create, not through hate and jealously and grief, but in truth. She says, “I have expressed all those things. I have felt everything you will, or ever have experienced. I am the mother of all empaths.”

“If people want to know my name, to know what goddess I am, and whose voice you represent, say that I am the goddess of empathy. I have experienced all that you have experienced. I have expressed everything you have expressed. Haven’t you seen when a child is supposed to create something for an assignment. And they feel like they haven’t done a good job at all, so they destroy it. Haven’t you seen where a child will play with bricks or wood or stones. And then it all gets knocked down or destroyed because they feel it isn’t good enough. They destroy it and start over again.”

She says, “You get that all from me. You all get it from me. It is the energy that I am that created all of you. And you are not limited to me and you are not limited to your parents or your ancestors. Your only limitation is yourself.” And she says, “It is important for us, this work. Sometimes the self needs to get out of the way and needs to be able to just examine the possibilities. No one has to agree with me. And no one has to create churches or edifices in my honor for they have already been created. You all are my temples and I reside within your hearts.”

(Akeeya draws in a sudden, loud, gasping breath and then there is a pause. Then Akeeya begins to fully channel the Mother Creator’s voice which sounds quite different than Akeeya’s voice.)

[Mother Creator’s Voice] You are my temples. You are my sacred edifices. You are the beauty of my soul. You are allowed to express yourselves. Sometimes those expressions may hurt others, but it is necessary for something to be expressed. I expect you to express yourself, and to not be bound by how others expect you to express yourselves. Yes, you have been given parameters. You are given boundaries. And each of you has the capability of going beyond anything I have ever thought or have created. That is why you were, and are created.

You are a garden of sacred vessels. And in gardens, sometimes the most beautiful blossoms are cut down. Does it stop the garden from growing? No, there is always fertility in the garden. And even that which is cut down will fertilize so many things. Upon holding a dozen beautiful roses even once, one never forgets. When given a single dandelion from the sweetest source, one never forgets. And yet, as that dandelion’s life force was altered and changed, did it cease to exist because it was not attached to its roots? Or, did it become new life? And even when there are those who would try to destroy my dandelions, they come back even stronger.

There is no chemical that can destroy me. There is no pollution that can destroy me. Likewise, because I have created you, there is nothing that can destroy you. Nothing can terminate you or cause you to cease existing, for you are eternal in whatever form you choose to express yourselves. There are times when some of you decide to sleep, just to sleep. You don’t want to know the details, you don’t want to create, you just want to rest for a while. But, even in sleep you are creating. Some of you, when you die, feel stymied by what you could not create with. But you did, don’t you see?

No matter what, you all created something. And it did have an impact on all of creation. Even your sneezes and sighs create, for all is a part of creation. Your identities are yours. Reasoning creates. And you often believe what you hear or are told if it comes from outside of yourselves. You think certain things are real because the person saying those things is of value or authority. It may come from someone other whom you are paying attention to.

But it is important to me that you pay attention to your own identities, in every moment of your life. Even when you take your last breath, however you take your last breath. Some of you have a purpose in dying tragically. You will have loved ones and perhaps even yourself who would say, “I would never choose this.” But you sometimes do. I have destroyed, but I also create. I have created, yet I destroy. All of it goes in cycles, lifetimes in cycles.

(There is a pause and Diane asks a question. She says, “Could you talk about how the law of consequences works within all of that?”)

[Mother Creator’s Voice] The law of cons… The law of conse… (The Mother Voice cannot speak the words. There are gasping noises and convulsions in the body. Diane is on edge, worried if something dangerous is happening to Akeeya’s body as it can hardly breathe. Then suddenly, Akeeya’s voice comes back in.)

[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] She can’t talk about the law of consequences because she wants to speak of the Law of Concentration. I can’t say consequences, oh I just did.

[Mother Creator’s Voice] Not by my voice has it been spoken. (Pause, and the convulsions have stopped.) Concentration is another one of the keys to consequences. Meditation is a form of concentrating beyond that which is automatic. Your brains, your bodies are the magnificent machinery that helps you process so many things at once. Not only is it enlivening, invigorating and continuing to keep your physical body intact, but it is also this magnificent machinery that learns how to concentrate.

We concentrate on things which we find important or necessary. And sometimes we concentrate on things we need to move past for a moment. You can always revisit those things that you don’t feel you should concentrate on right now, or can’t concentrate on right now. You are not supposed to do it all at once. There are consequences to trying to do it all at once. It’s all a process. Regardless of the consequences of your choices, always remember, that which you concentrate and focus on is more likely to manifest than that which you do not, unless you have trust and faith, you see.

If you discard something that you should concentrate on, someone or something else will concentrate on it. No one is able to really drop the ball in this dimension. The consequences of your choice, of my choices, of their choices are always in play. But which consequence will you concentrate on? Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by that which you are not supposed to be concentrating on. Realize the value of focus and concentration.

If something is not working for you, perhaps it was meant to work for someone else. If it doesn’t fit you, perhaps it’s meant to fit someone else. Don’t be attached, as I have been trying to speak to my dear MamAkeeya. The canvas is blank without the crayons or paint. You, Diane, have collected your tools in your lifetime. They are what you will create with. Akeeya is your canvas. Your store was your canvas. Your grandchildren are your canvas. But you, you are the artist. You are the sacred tabernacle that will put your touches on it.

And because your creations are so energized and effervescent, they will continue to create because they were not discarded. You concentrated, you consecrated and now the consequences are made apparent. If you kill a chicken, it no longer lays eggs. That is a consequence, and yet that same chicken can make a wonderful soup because someone consecrated it or concentrated on it. These are important words, concentrate and consecrate and consequence. When the book of the Rhammah Masters is complete, it will be consecrated by the Divine and approval will be given by the Divine.

The Divine is not limited to how humanity feels that the Divine ought to be. The Divine is essentially all the parts that humanity feels it is and more Love for a small child is held by one who has concentrated on loving it. That same love expressed as an adult can evolve and create new forms of consecrated and concentrated love. And the consequences of that are immeasurable. What you have contributed is immeasurable. It is beyond this sacred edifice. Yet, it is within this sacred edifice, and is so connected.

Try to help others to understand they can surrender having to pass tests. They can surrender having to fit what has never fit. Surrender to the truth of who you are, even if it is rejected. A soul can feel rejected, through its own self or by being bullied or neglected. It may well be through no fault of its own. But, please trust me when I say, “You are not alone. There is always someone, something, somewhere you can go to find peace.” It is a great illusion that money is necessary to experience everything that is most valued and treasured in this lifetime. What you value, what you concentrate and focus on, what you consecrate or make sacred, it all has consequences.

You have a choice. You are not limited. Some of you enjoy the shallow parts of the beach, and some of you enjoy the depths. But you are not limited. You will experience everything you truly are concentrated on experiencing. There is a reason why you concentrate on certain emotions, situations, circumstances and events. There is a reason why your soul will consecrate what you feel is sacred. And there is a reason why the consequences of your choices, other people’s choices or no choice manifest.

What I ask of you, is for you to concentrate on what you consecrate. Know that the consequences of that is a healthier and happier lifetime. You are seeing where individuals can concentrate on more than one thing at a time. This is more so now than ever in the history of creation. This is part of the ascension that has been manifesting and unfolding. And it is necessary. You will find that you are the most amazing creators when you are given unlimited possibilities. Delete the words “I can’t.” Affirm, I can concentrate. I can consecrate. And I can, because of my concentration, recognize some of the positive consequences.

Consequences can replicate. And, there are so many things that are concentrated on that may seem contrary to benevolence. But even that is an illusion. I am very specific in my concentration as a creator. I have consecrated all I have created. And the consequences of that you are all aware of. I am ever present. You are my creations. Therefore, you are invited to create. When you live in a sacred edifice, if you are born there, you may take for granted what is provided just as a child might. But recognize all that I have created. I expect you to also cherish what I have created.

I don’t want you to be the kind of guest who is rude. You would not boldly tear down my sacred edifice, would you? Would you have reverence please. Would you all have greater reverence for what has been created as it has been created. Whether it is beautiful or ugly, have reverence. If you do not like it, abstain from it. But do not destroy what I have welcomed you to enjoy. Do not destroy the innocence of my creation.

I have a great fondness for the teachers of this planet. They come in every shape and form. Some teach things that others are not interested in. And some teach things that many are so interested in they’ll pay vast fortunes. I adore craftsmen. I adore those who build. I adore scientists, mechanics and janitors. I adore chefs and dogwalkers. I adore street mimes and balloons in the air. I adore rainbows in the oils that have spilled from your cars. All of these are creation, and all of these manifest from concentration. All of these are consecrated, all.

I don’t understand why it is necessary for anyone to concentrate on bullying. I do not want to understand it, but it is. There is passive-aggressive bullying all around you. Those who are bullied, if they concentrate on that bullying it will destroy them. But if they concentrate on what is wonderful about their creation, the bullying matters not to that individual. It matters not to the person who is concentrating on what their truth is, their beauty, their joy, their expression of what they are.

All of you already know what is acceptable and what is not, depending on your cultures and demographics. Very seldom will you see a woman walking through the streets of Iran in a bikini. She would be bullied, wouldn’t she? She would be destroyed, probably stoned or beheaded for doing such a thing. I would like to ask all of those who are bullying, especially in this example I have given you, which one of you was born with clothing? Would you stone or kill a baby as it emerges from its mother’s womb because it came forth naked? No, evil is at the root of that garden. And I say to you, evil does exist. However, you want to describe it, experience it or categorize it, it exists. It is the shadow.

It is truly evil when a child is raised an environment where it is bullied and learns shame and blame and an identity of “not good enough.” If a child is led to concentrate on that, they will eventually forget the seed within them that knows why it hurts. It hurts because it is not true. It hurts because it is not what nurtures its soul, its very being. It hurts because it is not where it needs to be. But please trusts me, not one soul that has experienced such evil stays in that. They learn to concentrate on that which is better, change the pattern somehow, change the environment, change the response and reaction. Someone will and does come forth with kindness who concentrates on loving, nurturing, enjoying, preparing, all the good things that life has to offer.

I need MamAkeeya. It is important that I make this statement now. I needed MamAkeeya, whom you call Akeeya, and she came. That should tell you there are more creator beings than you can possibly imagine, just as there are more crayons, more colors than are in that box. Understand that she chooses to forget what comes through. I asked her to give herself permission to forget. Because if she were to remember, the things she would say, the things she would do would change your very existence here.

She has great love for me. Do you think I can be a goddess without being nurtured? Do you think a chicken can be born without a womb? All that I share with you may be discarded by some, but there are those who are able to understand. It is not just what I have spoken or what I have shared. It is not just what I have concentrated on, or the many words. It is energy. The consequences of what I have just shared and spoken will help create.

With your permission, when you are ready, I will hold you again and remember how you were created. We will share the circumstances of your birth, what you consecrated and made sacred, what was important to you, what you concentrated on and the consequences of that. That is my Law. The consequences of your living, however you chose to live, whether in opulence or destruction, that belongs to you. But I will hold you once again. And I will listen and see and share and grow with you. Your growth is my growth. Your joy is my joy.

When you graduate from being a victim of abuse, I am in the audience. I am applauding you because you made a difference. You suffered something that no one should have to suffer, whether by choice or by birth. And you chose. I hope your first choice is always to love yourself as I love you for your individualities. Then I ask you, please acknowledge what you feel. Use that as an artist uses their hands to sculpt something from its most perfect and raw form into something else. Oh, what a fondness I have for sculptors. That they are able to sculpt as they do with the materials that they use. I love my sculptors.

I’ve showed MamAkeeya things that she cannot fathom or imagine. I do not require her to extend herself beyond what she is capable of doing in this flesh. It is hard enough to retain it in this body. How do you create a tabernacle for this one whom I revere? How can I create something good enough for my goddess? She is meant to be looked at. At a minute’s notice she can call the attention of multitudes. Her staff holds great power. It has been transformed. She is transformed. You are transformed. Those who tend to her are transformed. How do you know she is a goddess? Pay attention to the transformations. Pay attention.

I feel it is necessary to speak to you about the joy that I am witnessing. There are those who have lost so much of everything they held onto. Look at the people in Puerto Rico. Look at the people in India or Iraq, or Turkey. They’ve lost their homes, their heritage, their culture, and yet they have carried the sacred inside themselves. You cannot destroy the Divine. And they will create. I am so joyful because, when the moment came when they had to release what they could not hold onto, what was destroyed in front of them, the majority of them turned to each other and saved each other. They loved each other, uplifted each other, fed each other and nurtured each other. They think less about what has been lost, than they do about how to help each other.

Do you see? How many generations has it taken for this vibration to be anchored on this planet. Right now, many have the chance to care about each other. Many can have compassion for each other. There are still those who I would consider to be quite “evil little bastards” who are trying to destroy this. But they cannot!!! I am always millenniums ahead of all of this. I am always forging ahead, but I always do check on you. I go to many places and many spaces. But I’m in the tiniest little bubble that is blown by a child, just to experience the joy of that.

I would suggest for all of you to be a bubble one day. It is so delightful. Somebody puts their entire breath into you to create something so magical that is lifted into the sky. This is why I invest in creation. And yes, I have destroyed things I did not like. I certainly have. But it didn’t mean I stopped. It didn’t stop the concentration and it didn’t stop the consequences of why I destroyed that. So, if you are going to destroy something, ask yourself why. Why are you starting over? Why are you clearing that? Be clear with yourself. Be clear with your soul, because with that comes a consequence.

Why do you choose a particular thing to focus on? Many of you will say, “I don’t know. I just felt like I was supposed to.” You will know what you need to know. You all have hidden… no it’s not hidden… well, in a way it is hidden. Perhaps I should let more be revealed. I shall do that. Know that your compasses will always lead you back to where your home is. It will guide you to where you really belong, where you are really loved and nurtured. Your compasses are already in place. They are not hidden. No compass is hidden at this time! (This statement is made as a declaration in a very strident voice.)

Your soul compasses will tell you where your true North is. You will know, so follow that compass. Do you know where it is? It’s not in one place, and it’s not just within you. Just like rope is intertwined, you are anchored in your divinity. Trust that, for no one can take that from you. Some may say that divinity does not exist. To that I would say, follow your compass. It will get you through the dark, through the unseen. Your compass works better with faith. There are those who are here now who are compasses. MamAkeeya is a compass. You, Diane, are a compass. Your creations together are compasses. It is part of your journeys.

If others would like to partake of your creations, they are more than welcome. It is quite a delicious feast. And they will find that sitting in my presence will be very, very uplifting for them. They will enjoy it. Where my words are read, there am I. Some may question it all, but it gives me a moment. It’s like a phone call from Mom who says, “How are you doing? What have you been up to? Are you taking care of yourselves?” Yes, tell me when things didn’t go okay with your day, with your work, with your life. Talk to me about your sadness, your fears, for I am listening. And the consequences of me listening are for you to feel more loved.

As you state, so you create. What you concentrate on becomes. You have libraries of identities and lifetimes of experiences. Amongst you walks the greatest creation. You are in a dispensation, a time of great progress and great instructions. There will be reconstruction. Things will be different because people are waking up. These hurricanes, these fires, these earthquakes and dormant volcanos erupting are all part of creation. What will you create with it all? You already know what has been destroyed. So, ask yourselves what can you create with? 

The majority of beings on this planet are creating because they truly love their families, their relations, the world and each other. It has taken so many years for people to recognize that war is necessary to protect the innocent. But it is not necessary to wage war just to feed greed and egoic power. That is evil. War is necessary to protect that which is sacred and beneficial. All evil is revealed now. That which was not disclosed and known, it is now revealed irrefutably. And those who were not believed, who literally were martyred for their beliefs, the truth is now revealed.

There will be those who know what is true. And there will be those who will question the new advice about truth and goodness. Always treasure truth, but also question truth. Never be afraid to question what does not feel right. If it feels wonderful, it is wonderful. If it violates an innocent, it is not wonderful. If it is a sinister manipulation, it has a necessary consequence. Many have lived without consequences. They may have gotten away with it for a while. But in this current dispensation, the consequences are necessary. The truth must be revealed. Much of what humanity has clung to has been an unnecessary diversion, an opaque illusion that disguises your divinity and your greatness.

Simple gestures, especially with permission, change so much. To find someone when they are hot, has consequences. To hold someone when they are afraid has consequences. Pay attention to the consequences that make you feel good, rather than vengeful. They say, “Vengeance is mine.” I would rather not, but I do hold people accountable. You are accountable for your creations. I will ask you, why did you create that? Why did you hurt your sister? Why did you lie to your brother? I shall want to know the whys and have you recognize them.

All artists all have a technique. So, discover your own technique. Perhaps you are supposed to create by your appearance. Perhaps you are supposed to create by your words, your actions or your deeds. Perhaps it’s all of those. Give yourself the permission that I gave myself, to truly create what I love and am passionate about. I shared it all with you. I love how you get excited when you see a falling star. I love how you get excited when you see the snow fall. I created all of this. Then you created snowballs, snowmen and snow angels. Do you see what I am saying to you?

The consequence of my creating with joy has created more joy for you. Yes, I know there are people who get frozen in the ice. But what were they doing out there? Were they forced to leave their homes? Were they violated? Were they on a quest to climb the highest mountain. There are always consequences you see. But my concentration has been and always will be joy and delight. I learned to channel my energies into creation. So, when some of these dormant volcanoes start exploding, and they will, it will change things. It will make people more aware.

I have to say, for it is most important, there is too much crap in your atmosphere. There are pollutions and pollutants in what I created more purely. I will try to create with those pollutants the best that I can, but the natural occurrences that are happening on this planet are needed for there to be a clearing. (Mother Creator blows a loud puff of air.) That will clear it. I think of them as pimples. The volcanoes are beautiful, aren’t they? When a pimple shows up on your face, it is something reminding you of an excess of some sort. Everything that affects you physically is an excess of some sort. It’s either a balance issue, an excess or a lack of enough. The pimples are an excess.

This Goddess Akeeya, her heart needs to be in twenty-one million places at once. She has to be able to jump that quickly. That is what will be required of her when she sits in an audience or with an individual. She will have to be able to use this vessel to go beyond many dimensions at once. Her form was just incarnated on this planet. It has only been seconds in goddess time. She is accelerating past birth. And now she’s in puberty and you know what happens in puberty. Things start growing and expanding and there are all kinds of fun, delicious things to experience. This is part of maturity.

I am creating, and she has given me permission to create with her. And I have great reverence for her. Do I feel that she’s better than me or better than all the others? I love her, and when you love someone, and you tell someone that you have faith in someone, you have permission to know that it is never gone. Just as I am here for you, so too do I have those who are here for me. I am here because I love you. And MamAkeeya is here because she promised me. She promised me, “I will be there. I will be there. I will be there.”

In your Rhammah book, have a page in the beginning that says just the word why with a question mark. At the end of the book have a page with the word why with a period. This is the law of consequence. Not everyone enjoys a story of cowboys and Indians. Not everybody enjoys a story that is just about love. So, it takes many messengers to create. MamAkeeya is a goddess of storytelling. She can tell every single person a story about themselves. She tells stories at her galleries and as she does, I can sit with them. I can tell them stories of those who have loved them, about their ancestors and what they created in their other lifetimes. I can talk about who and what they have the potential to be.

Allow me to love them in the story time. They all come because they want to hear their stories, don’t you see. They want to hear the stories of someone who loved them, because they lived the story. They lived it, but they need to hear the story again and feel the energy of the stories. That’s why these books, these stories need to be published. They are the stories of Akeeya. And now you have MamAkeeya. Can you imagine the stories of MamAkeeya? Oh, my! Oh, my!

She has told me stories from the moment she was conceived. Do you understand what I am telling you? You have one of the greatest storytellers in all the Universes sitting amongst you. You’ve had many storytellers. There is only one MamAkeeya. So, if they ask you what kind of goddess she is, you can tell them without a shadow of a doubt. And she will continue to tell the stories, and they will come to sit with her. And in all of this, even MamAkeeya has stories she has created for herself to add to her libraries. They are for future worlds and incarnations and generations.

There will be those who will question her abilities. There will also be those who will bring stories from the past, stories that have concentration, consecration, and consequences. You should all stay tuned. There is so much more, and whatever is recorded is literally beyond this recording device, beyond the computer book. For every soul who hears one story will create a story from it. This is how you have so much ancient text and script.

The stories that are told over and over again, however they were created, you will see they all originated from one story. And that story was, I picked up a crayon. And I kept concentrating on creation. I truly have not stopped creating. And once this vessel, this sacred tabernacle has expired, oh my what will be created. Please, for those who are preparing to die, for those afraid of death, know that you concentrated on living. You concentrated on experiencing and learning, sharing and growing, and a whole bunch of other things too.

There are some greedy creators that I just keep bringing up. What is the reason greed is created? Is it fear? I’ve thought about this so many times. I’ve thought that it is fear that creates that need, that greed. And still, no matter what, it comes down to evil. And we shall have a discourse on evil one day. But I don’t like to spend too much time on it, because it really isn’t necessary anymore. It’s just important to recognize that when someone does concentrate on evil, and one consecrates evil, there really are consequences to that also.

So, what are you concentrated on. This must not be edited from the book. This should not be edited at all, this statement. I am looking forward to what you create. Show it to me. Bring it home to me. Allow me to be so proud of you. You know what triggers pride and respect, you know. Create with the triggers that you are most invested in. If you like being sour, then create with sour if that is what you choose. If you create with flamboyance, be flamboyant. I look forward to what you create. Bring it to me. Show it to me.

(Diane says: I don’t even know how to express my gratitude for you coming and sharing all of this with me, with humanity. It is beyond grateful, beyond bliss. Thank you so much. It is also very delightful.)

As Mr. V is by the ocean, he will create even more now than he could have ever imagine because he has tasted but a moment of what MamAkeeya has delighted in. He has purposely surrendered so many things to do this work. I appreciate him. I appreciate all you are creating Diane. I appreciate your concentration, your dedication, your devotion. You are one of my consecrated vessels. You are sacred and holy to me. The consequences for all that you have shared and contributed has a positive effect on generations upon generations upon generations of those who are present on this planet and those who are on other planets.

What you are compiling, and writing is being transcribed by others on other planets as well. You are a divine scribe. As you write and edit, those thoughts are being shared with your other incarnations in other dimensions and being shared with masses. It is important that you know how vitally important you are. You are called at this time. You have the resources, the intelligence, the wisdom and the fortitude to do this work. Your compass is your guide, regardless of what anyone tells you, anyone. So, trust your compass.

The consequences of what you have concentrated on have been and are magnificent. It is not normal, nor is it common for so many masters to be sent to one place, to be connected by one scribe. When you think about that for a while you will realize it is something quite incredible. And from those masters are many masters spawned. You see, there are masters, within masters, within masters just as there are messages within messages and stories within stories and love within love. The love that MamAkeeya has is what brings me comfort. She is my hope. You are my hope. You are my faith. You are my consequence. You are.

(Akeeya comes out of channel. She keeps saying it is so bright, the light is so bright. Diane says, “While you were channeling the crystals were making rainbows that played across your face. It was so amazing.” Diane looks at the recorder and says two hours and twenty-two minutes. Akeeya says, no way. That is sacred, 222.)

A note from Diane for explanation: (For many months I was puzzled about what happened in this session when I asked about the Law of Consequences. As it progressed it was obvious that the idea of consequences was woven into the discourse on concentration. Mostly it focused on positive consequences. I was driving back to my cabin one day and I felt like an explanation was downloading through my awareness. Both sessions with Mother Creator occurred when Akeeya and I were the only persons present. I have been astounded at the grace, the blessing and privilege of being so directly in her presence.

The most deeply moving part of it has been to both hear and feel the sense of incredible love she has for absolutely everyone of her created children. Each and every one no matter what is so deeply loved. As I drove that day, I thought about my own beloved children and grandchildren. If one of them committed a crime and was sentenced to prison or other punishment, even if they deserved the punishment, how would I feel. It would be anguish and heartbreak for me as a mother and grandmother. Then I realized, it must be somewhat like that for Mother Creator. It is obvious from what she did speak of, that she is aware and understands how consequences work.

I recalled the gasping and emotional heaving that occurred when she tried to answer my question. It was much like how humans respond to the greatest of sudden, shocking grief. Then it dawned on me, when any of her human created children create dire consequences as a result of willful action, just as it may be, the grief and anguish for them is deeply felt. That emotion immediately came up as a result of my question. And, she did not want to focus on it, and in doing so have to experience that pain so forcefully. It was a testament of her deeply felt love for all her creation and her sorrow when we have difficult lessons to learn through consequences.)