Divine Mother Speaks - Suicide


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THE Goddess Akeeya, also known as Mamakeeya, has worked as a profound and dedicated medium/seer for many years. In 2013 Mamakeeya was instructed to channel the wisdom of a group called the Golden Seers. This work began on June 24th, 2013 with Diane D, who voluntarily sits as the questioner and receiver of these transmissions. Diane then transcribes and edits the sessions. Mr. V, Mamakeeya’s partner and assistant has also joined in on many sessions. His work and support are vital in so many ways.

The Golden Seer sessions continued until July of 2017 when Mamakeeya began to channel the Divine Mother Creator. This shift in the wisdom brought forward really amazing information that is vital for our era. It offers understanding that fits with our modern times and supports our individual spiritual journeys. People may wonder if this really can be the Divine Mother speaking. We asked that question in a session. The answer was that each person who hears and sees these sessions should determine for themselves what they think it is.

That answer is in keeping with the posture of Divine Mother’s wisdom which is loving and guiding. It can be direct, prophetic and disarmingly honest, but she makes it clear that no one is forced. We are here to learn many lessons and she offers her assistance.She is clear about what her role is and about the things we must do for ourselves. Our current belief systems largely represent a masculine divine image. Here the female aspect of divinity reveals herself, and it is a marvelous expression.

Most sessions begin with Mamakeeya going into her trance state and speaking about what she sees and hears. Often Divine Mother is speaking mind to mind with Akeeya and Akeeya relays those messages. At some point she enters full trance state, the sound of the voice changes, and Divine Mother begins to speak directly. Mamakeeya’s ability to be a conduit for this work is a result of her high integrity and spiritual dedication. We sincerely hope these transmissions will be a blessing in your life.

Read the transcript of this session below or you can download a PDF copy by clicking the link:


*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)


(This was a live, video session with Mamakeeya channeling. Transcript is from that recording.)

(Akeeya’s Seer Voice) The first thing I’m seeing looks like mountains of energy coming towards me. I am going through these mountains of energy. When I say mountains, they look snow covered. The light is so bright and looks like snow, but I don’t think it is snow. The light is so bright it is literally blinding to me. Even with my physical eyes closed, I am going through these masses of energy.

It feels like I am in the center and I do believe I am surrounded by ice or an icy energy. In the center there is a circle of the most beautiful, deep blue waters. The waters are very, very clear. I am being told that the circle of icebergs, or the land mass that is around it, its light is actually filtering out anything that is toxic or negative for the marine life, for all life in that circle.

It is so beautiful, and I can see all manners of sea creatures circling by me. They are all circling counterclockwise. But as soon as I said that, then they started going clockwise. I am watching this happen and I am being told how very valuable and important the sea life and the sea creatures are. And, it is especially important for people to flow with their emotions, to flow with one another. We need to coexist with one another and recognize that we all live together. We live together and we die together. We move together and we are still together.

It is all the Oneness, and yet there is the individuality. And there is also separateness. I don’t want to use the word separateness, but that is the only thing they can glean from my brain at this time. They are talking about the unity with all creatures on this planet. When they show up in mass it’s breathtaking. Yet when they have flourished in mass, it is sad how much has been annihilated in its massiveness. I don’t know why they are using these words. It doesn’t feel comfortable to say this, so I know that I am still in my conscious mind. I need to release that conscious mind so I can allow them to speak as clearly as possible.

They were talking about the unnecessary thinning of the herds. All things on this planet are meant to be in mass so that there is more to go around. There is more than enough to be shared. We do need to be cognizant of our natural environment. And many humans on this planet live in manmade, created environments. That isn’t necessarily a negative thing. But make sure that you are surrounding yourself with what is created by man that is beneficial to you. Be selective.

There are many people on this planet who have to keep it basic. They need a roof over their head, a place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to keep them safe, protected, warm or cool. There are these basic needs that all creatures on this planet have, and they are necessary. What is wonderful about humans is they have the ability to adapt to their environment and circumstances.

Everyone needs their own sacred space. And who are any of you to violate another creature’s space. But if that creature’s space is violating yours, then of course you have to come up with some kind of strategy or coping mechanism to maintain your sacred space. Be aware of who you are allowing into your sacred space, into your homes and your energy field, your thoughts and your heart. Be aware of what you are allowing to engage with you. There are many caustic situations around you. You choose whether you want to engage or not. Surely those who have stepped up to protect the innocent do have great value.

(Divine Mother’s Voice) -- Even I myself have protection all around me. Many will seek me, and they can partake of this energy. They can partake of this wisdom. But I too have to be mindful of my sacred spaces. And what she saw is one of my sacred spaces on Earth. It is a circle of waters that is not accessible to most of humanity. There are those who have seen it who may not recognize how valuable this space is. In this circle are your dreams. Did you know the sea creatures assist you while you are dreaming? They assist you to flow with the energies necessary for you to experience the many dimensions, many lifetimes and many experiences. If you have experienced an increase of nightmares and terrors, it is because the waters on this planet are becoming even more polluted. And yet, there is this sacred space that is not violated by man. It is not violated by anything malicious. It is protected for you. The higher you go and the deeper you go, especially in your sleep, allows each one of you to evolve and recognize your true potential and talents and abilities. Who amongst you listening to this has literally flown through their dreams? You can fly, even though the physical bodies are very sedimentary for a reason. But your minds and hearts are not limited. This is why each of you will reach out to someone or something because you are drawn to its energy.

Most of you are drawn by a physical attraction immediately. You are physically drawn to something and you will choose whether to invest your energy or not expose your energy. It is easy for your hearts to focus on love and affection, communion and connection. It is easy for you to do this. You are and were created in love, regardless of the circumstances. Your spirit, your soul and your heart were created with supreme love. And your heart, mind and spirit will search to communicate with loves and affections that are similar to yours. But immediately, before you can discover this, the law of attraction is in play.

Not everything that you are attracted to is beneficial to you. Learn to discern this. Death is what many are curious about. It captures their attention. It makes individuals evaluate and take inventory of their connectedness to death. Yet in death, many are resurrected and find new life. For those of you who mourn deeply for a love you felt connected to that you cannot imagine being without, know that love is secure. You may not see it in its same form, or experience it in the same form with your physical eyes. But, your spiritual eyes, your memories, your knowing can recall it all to you.

Use that which has comforted and nurtured your heart and felt wonderful. Use that as your palate to create even more similar memories in this lifetime. Don’t give up. Suicide is very attractive to those who are depressed, desperate, alone and in pain. Suicide is rampant on this family of man. Yet you will also witness incidents where even large mammals may seem off course. Because of the pollutions in the waters, the nightmares in the waters, they are committing suicide. They no longer can tolerate the energy they have been surrounded with.

All souls who commit suicide do have someone who loves them very dearly, someone who wouldn’t want them to take their own lives or to suffer. Those of you who have survived a suicide, never give up on the love that you have for those you are missing. It is a light that helps them to resurrect. All things resurrect. All things reach an illusion of ending. But I say unto you, I would not challenge your heart when it comes to loving who you love. For you love them as I love you. And I do love them. I do not want any of you to suffer needlessly.

I will say this to you, “You will all die a physical death.” Death is a gift. But that doesn’t mean the party is over. Ask yourselves, are you attending this party of life out of obligation? Or are you here to celebrate? I celebrate each and every one of you, even those of you who are naughty. I still love you. I cannot stop loving you, but this does not mean you have permission to crash my party.

And when I say crash, I mean those of you who go out of your way to be rude, disrespectful and greedy. I mean those who at times feel very entitled. When you walk in the forest which we created, know that forest was created for many purposes beyond humanity’s needs. It is not necessary to destroy and not replant, replenish or rejuvenate. Each of you should take a moment and look at your sacred edifice, your body. How are you celebrating this body? Those who commit suicide haven’t forgotten how to celebrate those they love. But sometimes they have forgotten to celebrate what they contribute.

Just your presence, your face and just simply your touch is what your life’s purpose is. People who do good for others, they do appreciate the rewards of a beautiful smile of gratitude. So, don’t kill your smiles or your laughter. Do you know how much I enjoy comedians? Comedians have a way of looking at life in ways I have always seen. You must have a sense of humor. There are times to be serious and then there are times to laugh. And even in death there can be laughter. Especially in the aftermath when family, friends and acquaintances gather in memory of a loved one.

Oh, how I enjoy listening to the stories that you all have to tell. And some of those stories the deceased person does not remember immediately. That is why each of you have archives of memories. You will be called upon to speak of those memories to help the soul. Even the soul which commits suicide will need to remember their value. So, strive to remember the laughter and remember the peace and compassion. And certainly, remember your unique being.

I have not created anyone or anything exactly the same. You may see two red robins, but they are not exactly the same. You see, they have choice. They can choose to be as the others are or they can choose to be as they are. If you all would take a moment to hold one another and to be held, then I can also hold you. Immediately upon birth an infant is held, swaddled and adored. Every feature of the child is examined closely in all its perfection.

Do not believe as adults that you are to be held less than an infant. This is a problem on this planet. Being held can be as simple as holding each other’s hands. When life gets overwhelming, and it will, allow yourself to be held. You will know who will step forward to do that for you. If, however, at any time you are held by someone whose vibrations are offensive to yours and you feel danger, do not allow yourself to be held that way. One moment like that can destroy a lifetime. It can contribute to suicide and selfdepreciation.

Those of you who have held the innocent in your arms and have violated them will not remain hidden or unseen. It is not a misdemeanor. There are divine consequences and you are held accountable. And those of you who have felt helpless because of those violations, you will find the strength within yourself to not allow it to happen again. If you do not find that strength from those who have authority or those you trusted, then find that strength within yourselves. It is not okay to violate others through touch. Touch is sacred. Touch can heal what science is unable to. It is the intention of that touch that draws me in. Call upon me at any time. Many of you will say, “Well, who are you and who are we calling?” You will decide that for yourselves. But for those of you who recognize the magnificent power that is available to you, then receive it in abundance. You can feed the hungry. You can heal the sick. You can give thirst a quench. There is so much that each of you can do. And if you cannot do it for the masses, do it for yourself. Take care of yourselves. Allow yourselves opportunities to search and research all knowledge available that you are interested in. If you are interested in it, then there is a reason. Whether it is profane or benevolent, there is a reason. For you do serve a purpose.

They say the number five is the number of change. Are there five things in your life right now that are ready for a change? Five things would be, one thing emotionally, second mentally, third thing physically, fourth spiritually and the fifth thing energetically. Something as simple as rearranging items can change the energy in your sacred space. Don’t discard individuals in your life who have been significant in your change. Welcome them in a manner which is comfortable for you. Allow yourself to be in circles of sacred communion.

We will end this transmission with one important thought. Envision the circles of water surrounded by the mountains of white light which do look like icebergs. Focus on that location and visualize the clear, dark blue waters gently swirling. Begin to see all the different sea creatures that are creating magnificent works of art within your subconscious minds. You will think of this space and dive in, and your dreams will become clearer. You will have a better understanding of how valuable your dreams are.

I would call this space the circle of dreams. You were created in a dream and you will continue to be the dream. And much of what you seek and dream of is on its way to you. That includes loved ones who died tragically. They will remember you and they are an important part of your dream. Nightmares cannot physically see or touch them if you remember that you can spiritually see and touch them. Remember them even better than it was before.

Death is the caterpillar going into its cocoon. Life is the butterfly emerging. You are all so delicate and fragile emotionally, and yet you are all so strong. Can you recognize and acknowledge the strength of those who had charge over you for only a moment? They have loved you for a lifetime. I speak to you of your fathers and your mothers, your aunts and uncles, your brothers and sisters, even cousins, friends and coworkers. You cannot stop being loved even when you don’t feel loveable, for I created you with love. I find value in you.

And all who have committed suicide have value. If there is a hell for them to experience, it is the sadness in their souls. Don’t contribute to it. Don’t contribute to other people’s sadness. *** I have no control over death and neither do you. It happens in its own time and own season. There are select times where I will step in and I will prolong a moment. But remember this my children, your death is as important as your birth. It is your graduation. It would not be fair to say that someone who has not completed their education is a failure. Perhaps they were being educated in things that you could not see or understand. But eventually you will.

Can you see now how tortured a soul was? Will you continue to torture them? It’s highly unlikely. But you will torture yourself, especially when a loved one takes their own life. Some expect you to do that. But I say unto you, it is unnecessary. Look with a wise and divine heart at the situation from all perspectives, with understanding of even the worst of circumstances, I will find a way for you to be blessed. I will find a way for you to remember your value. There are great heroes who have survived the circumstances of suicide. They are repairing what generations of humanity were not prepared to heal.

Those heroes, you know who you are. It requires heroism to wake up after you feel like your heart has been torn from your chest. Most heroes are not without wounds. I see your wounds and I wish to comfort you. That is why I need heroes who will love and protect you, who will ensure that your light and your dreams continue to flourish. They will heal your souls and respect your naps and bedtime as sacred. It is like walking into the most sacred edifice or space you could possibly be in. Your dreams are where you are able to access much of your god-self.

Don’t allow anyone to tell you that you are not divine. You are divinity. You will take responsibility for your actions, for your choices and how you interact with others. Make sure you are giving yourself adequate time to really look into the eyes of those you love. If I have captured your heart in this moment, if you are able to receive this transmission, know this, “You are not done yet. You are not finished. It is not the end. You are not too old. You are not too young. You are not ugly. You are god. YOU ARE GOD.”

Find a way to love yourself today. Find a way to make yourself laugh today. And for goodness sakes, eat something delicious. Eat what fills you and thrills you. Eat, partake and share what you have eaten. If it is good, there is more than enough to go around. If it’s good, it will grow. *** But the evil in this world is defined by that which destroys innocence, and the helpless and even the bewildered. Be as one in all that you do and that one is indivisible. Do not allow anyone to divide you or separate you from your highest power.

We will entertain one question, the one that’s in the middle. (Diane D reads the question, “Could you speak more about the various realms of Divine Administration?”)

No one serves me who is forced. I’ve never had to force anything. Much is inevitable. Of the ones who serve in divine capacities, there are those who are watchers. They are constantly surveying many universes, and there are also, always those who maintain surveillance on the individual soul. When you are born, there is someone who serves by witnessing your life, recording every movement, every gesture. And that is how valuable it is. It is all interconnected.

There are those who are listeners. These are not just those who sit in audiences, but they are awake to hear the cries of the abandoned child or hear the screams of someone being abused. They hear the laughter of a mother tickling her son. There are many recorders, many archives. A small library that humans can access is called the Akashic Records, the Akashic Library.

Just as you have many libraries and museums on this Earth, I too have many libraries and museums. There are those who are allowed access into the small ones. And there are those who are allowed access into the great ones. For example, in my creation there are many temples of light where each soul is like a feather. The feather allows its species or characteristic to be recognized.

Feathers allow you to soar, but they also sweep away that which is dusty and dirty. There are those who are caretakers of the menagerie of man. There are those who record every spoken word. There are those who have been called to record that which is most valuable to humanity in its details. Much of that has been destroyed needlessly. But much of it will be surfaced randomly as necessary.

You have heard about angels and seraphim, demons, mythical beasts, magical creatures, fairies, imps and all manner of things. Some say they do not exist. I created them. Why wouldn’t they exist? Just because you do not see it does mean it does not exist. And I say this because there are so many who are being abused needlessly. And when they go to someone and say this is happening, they are told it does not exist.

So, there are those who are called the reckoners. There is a reckoning that happens for every soul. It isn’t complex. The weight, the emotions of your heart matter. There are many of you who are quite emotional. There are those who are so emotional that it seems as if they are demonstrating psychological illnesses. Do you know that many of those who are purported to have mental illnesses have suffered through lifetimes of excruciating pain? And for whatever reason in this incarnation they are still trying to cope with that horrible experience.

Protect others from those who are so severely mentally ill that they are harmful, not only to themselves but to others. But know this, their souls are captured in their own hell that continued even after they incarnated. There are those who are called by me, by the divine, to assist those souls and help them to find joy in life, to find joy in living, to recover and discover peace. Unfortunately, there have been many who have been experimented on needlessly.

Don’t hurt those who are hurting themselves. Peace is where true prosperity is, peace in the arms of a loved one. There are so many who have been created for a job and a purpose, but they do it because they enjoy it. It is who they are. Be who you are and I will be there. When you are true to yourself, I am there. And when that time comes for what seems to be a metaphoric graduation from the physical realm, I will be there.

(These words were sung) I’ll be there, I’ll be there. Just call my name and I’ll be there.”

You can decide what you want to call me. Because I have been called many names. The one that suits me the most in all the universes is Creator. Just as that name suits each of you, Creator. Maybe one day you will sit down and realize everything you do I have done. Everything you have seen, I have seen. Everyone you love, I love. We are one and the same.

There will always be those who are assigned. You know if you are. When you are assigned by the Divine, nothing and no one can stop you even though they may try. They may call you names. They may place obstacles in front of you. They may bring out their books of knowledge to convince you of what is right and what is wrong. But you have your assignment. You know your assignment. And some of you are assigned to be the survivors of suicides, to tell their stories. For in truth there are those who have committed suicide for honor, and that is not a sin.

(Live Session Ends)