Divine Mother Speaks - Respect

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(Diane begins with a question about the role of various beliefs in human history. She says, “In our very global, interactive modern world many people still need and treasure belief. But there are also so many conflicts over belief. How can we find a way to harmony and mutual respect? How can we clear out things that don’t fit anymore, preserve what is still valuable and bring that forward?”) (In the first part of this session, Akeeya is repeating what she hears Mother Creator saying from the other side. In the second part, Mother Creator speaks directly through Akeeya’s physical body.)

*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)

[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] I wonder sometimes if these formalities are necessary, if they do it just for me, or is it for everyone? My physical body seems able to construct the arena by which they present themselves. While I listened to you talking Diane, I kept hearing several voices speaking about choices, choices, choices. Right now, on this planet, because of access to vast knowledge both true and untrue, both spectacular and common, individuals are given the opportunity to choose.

It can be wonderful when somebody gets so deep in meditation or even lost in their daydreaming that they can spin or create another reality. They are speaking now about this highway of intelligence. That is what they are calling it. It is a highway of intelligence, a highway of things being communicated. Some things can only be accessed in people’s imaginations or in their dreams. What’s happening now is that many people are able to receive audible information. It can be that which is connected to a dream, a fantasy, a possibility or a visual connection. There are all these different senses being engaged now.

Immediately, when you started to talk, I heard a woman’s voice. It was a very feminine voice and it felt like she rose from an edifice. It was similar to Lincoln sitting on that big marble chair at his monument. It reminded me of that, like something massive that she was sitting on, and then she got up and moved. She said to me, “Before we have this dialogue Akeeya, are you clear about why you were sent here and why we needed you here at this time? It is because everything you are sharing, everything that is uttered from your mouth, every molecule of your energy is meant to open the eyes of those who have been asleep. You can help them realize how vast and massive creation is.”

“Everything and everyone on this planet, be it a dog, a bird, a human or even a drop of water, it is here to create. It is here to utilizes this dimension and its environment to create. And there are new tools that were not available when you were a little girl. You didn’t have a computer to create with. You had to create with the computer in your mind.” People must see technology as an opportunity to create with, but not to get lost in. She said that is something they feel is a big conflict right now. There are certain emotions or energies that people can get lost in, and therein lies the battle.

She said it is okay to get lost in things that bring you joy and are healthy for you. But there are dark corridors filled with shadows that were not created to be shadow corridors. There are corridors being opened through the human mind that were not created to be opened and have not been opened before. Therein lies the battle, because in order to create, especially in this universe, the process can oftentimes be random. Two molecules randomly come together and then something is created. That is what happens and sometimes it is not planned. Often times, when people talk about the Divine, or perhaps they talk about the Creator, they talk as if there is a big master plan.

She is saying most emphatically, “No there isn’t.” She said that there is not a plan. It’s spontaneous creation and the bottom line is this, what you focus on you create. You focus on it and it’s going to be created one way or another. And humans can focus on creating something that was never meant to be created. Many creations were never meant to be invested in, but stuff is created because there are so many brilliant minds. They create all types of things. And there’s always an audience for whatever they are creating.

She says it is so important to recognize that how we utilize our energies throughout the day also creates our audience. She said she can give the wisdom to assist people at this time, but they must take it. There is something that she wants me to know. It is about good and evil, duality, light and dark. But even in the darkness there is beauty. We should apply this to everything, including the political arenas and agendas that are out there. Even the things that seem very mundane and ordinary are all part of a beautiful fabric of creation.

She wishes to tell people to simplify their lives. They create too many complications in their relationships. Even in their careers, there are just too many complications. She would tell people to simplify. She says, there are no limits to where our technology can take us. There are no limits to where our minds can take us, no limits. There never have been limits. However, limits have been imposed by those who would like to control us and even by those who care about us. Often, they impose limits so that we will be safe, or sometimes so they will be safe.

She is pointing at me, really pointing at me. She is saying it is important to be safe. Tell that to everyone, to be safe and be careful. So much is out there, and you can see it. But people are seeing some things at a much younger age, and they are not ready. They are not ready to see some of that stuff. It distorts the purity of the essential energy which they came in to create with. She says to please be mindful of this.

There is not one among you who doesn’t know when they have been exposed to something, consciously or unconsciously, independently or forced upon them, that is too much. People just know it is too much for them to process, too much for them to look at. She said that the basics of being loved right now are being challenged. It is so necessary for all of us in this universe to feel like we are loved. We need to feel valued, to feel that we are important. And she is underlining the word RESPECT. She said that the focus should be on eliminating disrespect. Stop disrespecting creation. Just stop disrespecting it.

Understand that everything is tied into your instinct for survival, one way or another. She says that every person who comes in front of you, they are in the mode of survival. If they are fortunate, they are surviving in a very comfortable place. But sometimes in order for the soul to survive, it will forgo comfort and choose chaos and situations not so common. However, the stories that open up people’s hearts are those where they feel a kinship and understand. They know what it’s like for their finger to be cut or for a loved one to be torn from them. Those who will respect are those who have experienced the same thing.

She is speaking about fixing things. She is saying, “If you were going to fix your washer and dryer, who would you ask?  Would you ask somebody who knows how to fix it or somebody who doesn’t?” She is saying that’s why they called me to fix this. But in fixing this, it must not feel like it’s a chore. Fixing each other is not a chore, it’s a privilege. Think about it, what does fix mean? When you are fixing something, you are tending to something that is broken. You are returning it to its original space, or you are trying to make it better.

Right now, the mindset in this society is new, new, new, new, replace, new, new, new, new, replace, new, new, new, new, replace. But we have given you a planetary gift that cannot be easily replaced. Generous gifts have been given to you. Have you received those gifts with gratitude and respect? In your realm, it is very difficult for many beautiful souls if their contributions are not remembered or respected. She said that many magnificent, celebrated beings of spirit are being incarnated in this world. Many of them will never be acknowledged for their true talents, for their true contributions. But their souls will focus on pursuing the things which helps them to truly experience and feel.

She said, you can be anything in this universe. You can be a grain of sand, a tree, a bird, anything. You can create anything you want to be. Even if you weren’t created to be what you want to be, you can create it for yourself. You can make things for yourself, do things for yourself and fix things for yourself. Addicts will say, “I need a fix.” She said, “Guess what Akeeya, we all need fixes.” She also says that Diane is a quality being who doesn’t just think about things. She is always constantly repairing, growing, grooming, improving. And they are very, very grateful for that.

There are things that we are a part of creating which were perfect at the time that we created them. But things change, they grow and evolve. Humans imagine that what they consider omnipotent, omnipresent or divine to be fixed and unchanging. But she said that the divine is always moving, always busy, and yet the divine is also still. It is important to wrap your heads around the idea that the expression of divinity is all around you. Even in the smallest speck of life there is divinity. You cannot fully comprehend the paradox of the divine in constant action, in constant creative flow while at the same time it is in a balanced and fixed overall stability.

The movie that you and I watched last night, Diane, she says that they watched it with us. Movies are one of the ways, one of the modern tools they are able to get divine messages through with. Not all divine inspiration or divine messages have to be received in a sacred edifice or tabernacle. They are always received by the most divine tabernacle of all, which is our souls, our spirit beings. And she says not to give that away to anyone. Don’t ever give away your sacred heart, the tabernacle of your mind to anyone. There is a difference between giving it away and sharing it. Although not everything shared is respected.

Her concern is that in this world, in this dimension there is so much that is given away freely without someone actually respecting what is given. Respect is everything right now. Just have decent respect. In your religions, you have many rules for how you enter the temple, how you are received in the temple, how things are blessed in the temple. Please realize that everything, every being, all souls should be treated like that, not just deity. Treat all with that same regard, for the Divine is in all.

But some people are acting foolishly in disregard for that truth. Some take things to such extremes. It’s not healthy or helping people. It’s destroying so much. There is so much out there on the internet, but please, have a place for children on your site. The children who are not necessarily zero to ten years old, but the adults also. She said, who among you doesn’t enjoy playfulness or playing with someone. Engage your audience with divine play. Let them be delighted.

Why do you think Disney World and such places do so well? It’s because they give adults the opportunity to be children in an adult world. There are valuable moments and memories that go with an environment where individuals can be playful, can use their imaginations and indulge the child inside of them. When you are alone your mind is constantly thinking and processing about things that need to be done, things that don’t matter, things that concern you. It a whole list, but it is so important to play, to have fun with one another.

She says that somewhere down the path, spirituality got really serious. It became a landscape of don’t do that, you can’t do this and that’s not okay. Whose agenda was all that? It was not necessarily what we (the divine creators) created. It was often created by someone who thought, “This is the best way that I can express my reverence and my respect for the Divine.” It was also devised by those who wanted to shape and control. She says that they’ve got to take that up and shake that up a little bit. They’ve got to change some of the landscape because it is disappointing to them to see those who deserve to be respected get treated with disrespect.

She has noticed this especially within family units, where parents are trying to have respect for the soul that’s growing. They try to give that child opportunities and not have it be constrained. And yet, respect must be taught. Even small acts of respect make a huge difference in the universe. And respect must be taught respectfully. True respect cannot be taught by force or through punishment. You do, however, teach each other by example. If someone shows you the example of brutality over and over again, it will wear on your spirit. That example will cause you to doubt your own integrity. If you respect a person who acts brutally or unjustly, your appreciation for truth becomes distorted.

The dynamics of situations like that need to be acknowledged. You are not to be disrespected, ever. She says to really respect those who are creating outside of the box, and also inside the box. Respect especially those who are creating for the benefit of not just themselves, but for others. In this dimension of yours, profit has great dominance. She is saying, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit. Okay, I can’t say it the way you are saying it, but I will do the best that I can. She says, “If I created all of this generously, and you are able to access and utilize it generously, please respect it. How is what I created profiting me, except to bring you joy?”

“When you are utilizing something that I created in your own way, how is that profiting me. You frequently create with my creations in ways that destroy others, that rob from them and cause suffering to others. How is that serving and respecting me? Do you think that I enjoy looking at oceans filled with garbage? Of course, even this excess has purpose, because nobody would pay attention to one little bubble gum wrapper in the ocean. Nobody is going to pay attention to smog until it sickens their loved ones. I created beautiful oceans, beautiful waterfalls, a beautiful, sustaining garden for you to live in. And the level to which you have polluted it makes you pay attention.”

Sometimes when prominent leaders or other icons disrespect creation, it helps draw attention to why that disrespect is there. In response, those who have respect open up and feel the call. They say, “This isn’t what this was created for. This is not healthy.” Certain people and groups are profiting from things that weren’t created for the purpose they get used for. But she is looking at me and she says, “I give it all to you. That’s what we’ve done, give it all to you. That’s what a deity’s job is.”

She says, “We are not here for self-glorification. We don’t say, Oh, look at me. I am the most omnipotent, magnificent being who can turn you into dust in seconds, so worship me.”  She is saying, that is not what they, the divine ones, were created for. They are created to be examples. But she said even they stumble. They can fall and sometimes need help. There is this whole thing about divinity being perfect. She says, what is the definition of being perfect? You forget the Divine within, and search for imagined perfection where it does not exist.

Please realize, the forces of darkness are creating a great dividing that is happening upon this planet. They are trying to get everyone. And they are doing it in very deceptive, brutal and ugly ways. They foment large amounts of genocide and the destruction of civilizations. Some who believe they are serving divinity get convinced to do horrific things. Their belief gets distorted and misaligned. But there are always some humans, or some other things that retain what is valuable. They preserve what was created and honored and treasured. They take it with them and find ways to share that with others.

She says that you Diane, she sees you as one of these individuals. You are taking this wisdom and holding it close to your heart. You know that it is sacred and valuable and important. Even one sentence, one kind nod, one smile, one gesture of understanding can change so much. But there are those who now have the agenda to destroy the good and exploit the innocent for their own profit. And she says, that is one of the greatest battles of all. Their weapons are sometimes in books. They are sometimes in videos or in the actual streets of your cities trying to destroy what is good and right.

So, she said if she gave a message today, her message would be about respect. And respect takes time. It is not just like saying thank you, and then brushing that person off. It’s not paying respect to get something in the moment and then just move on. Respect is not for getting. Respect is honoring and allowing. It is giving reverence to things, people, places with unconditional love. She says, “I cannot be irreverent, even to those who are irreverent to me. I must always maintain the space, the posture of divinity, of greater understanding and allowance.”

But she says, “This doesn’t mean that I don’t have impatience, Akeeya. Sometimes I wonder why people have to do it the hard way. Often, lifetime after lifetime, universe after universe they do it the same way over and over again. There are insanities where people do the same thing over and over. They think it’s going to make a difference. But what is necessary is consistency and respect. Everyone knows who their respected people are, or who they should be. They know who they want them to be or what fits on some level. Everyone should know what they are comfortable or not comfortable with.”

She is talking about some of the children who are incarnating and being born right now. Many of them have the inability to communicate in what is considered to be “normal human fashion.” That is because they are communicating at a much higher vibration. Many of these beings who are coming, these children who are being born with these differences, are those who have not received unconditional love. They had given unconditional love, but did not have it reciprocated. So, they are being incarnated into homes and families that truly do value and respect who they are.

She said, there are going to be so many discoveries about autism. It is going to be a positive thing. There will be some positive understandings about autism. You are all changing. You are all growing, but respect is really important. And how do you respect things? Sometimes you just need to allow it to be what it is. For, indeed it is what it is, and you are who you are. Not every flower that is grown in a particular garden is meant to stay planted there. Movement is important. Look at the directions where you need to move, and move in progression. See the changes as progression.

Movement, even in the subtlest forms, can shift things so much for better creation. You see, sometimes things have to be moved out of the way. Some of that movement will be with people’s relationships. They have to be moved out of the way. And some people won’t move them out of the way. They will want to keep them to the end, but it’s not as healthy. And, sometimes as deities we have to move things out of people’s lives. It is not because that is what they would want or choose, but because it is healthier for them. It’s the best thing, but yet there is this feeling because… Wow, wow.

She is saying something about the first time she conceived something with someone else. She said, “I am not alone Akeeya. None of us are alone, although we do have our moments of solitude.” The first time she created something with someone else, she was in such awe. She said that was us, that was humanity’s creation. And she says, “I didn’t do it alone. None of you are supposed to do it alone unless we so choose. I am with you and I witness my creations. I am the scientist, the architect and the chef.” She is saying that each one of you are created so intimately that it has taken eons of time for some to even be born. That’s because it had to be the right time, the right space, the right everything.

For certain humans, it needed it to be just right. But then there were also moments where she just let it go and let it be what it was meant to be. She is showing me dandelions, and how the dandelion evolves. It becomes a dandelion puff. One little seed can create a whole forest of dandelions. She said that dandelions were one of her favorite creations because they thrive. Even though people try to kill them all over the place, they still survive.

Their efforts are not going to stop a dandelion from being a dandelion. And they won’t stop the bees from supporting the dandelion and using its essence to make whatever is necessary. From dandelions they will find many cures. That’s why, in the simplest forms, things need to be respected. No matter what craft or specialty a person studies, whether they are the best or mediocre, they should be respected. It doesn’t mean you have to choose mediocre. She said, “I don’t. I don’t choose mediocre. I choose grand and fabulous. I choose so that it is an expression of my joy.” But respect all efforts.

I asked her why she’s not talking through me, and why I am having this conversation with her. Like I am repeating what she is saying, rather like a newscaster does. This process is like how you get the news. And then you repeat it for others to receive. She said, “But you are not distorting it Akeeya. You are saying it very clearly.” She said to ask you to just be still for one moment. (There is a significant pause. After this pause, the Mother Creator began to speak directly through Akeeya.)

[Mother Creator’s Voice] A series of events has manifested in your life, Akeeya. Every day you see how valuable life is and how precious interacting with those you love is. I watch you take the time to communicate. You pay attention to those who are most in need. Diane, you are the same. We are creating through you as you create through each other. That is how creation works. That is how valuable every living thing is. And life is not limited to your hearts, your lungs, your flesh. Life is in the rock and in the leaf. All of it is creating something of value. And when it is hindered or stopped in its creation, there better be a good reason.

There had better be a good reason for that, because it is all valuable. And yet it is required of all of you to be comfortable, to truly be comfortable. We know that in order for you to experience comfort, you must experience the uncomfortable. You must experience those things that feel like disrespect to your soul, in your spirit, so that you can truly respect yourselves. And in respecting yourselves, you respect all of creation. We have said, “Do no harm.” And yet harm is done every day.

(Said in a whisper as if sharing a sweet secret) When we created you, we could not fit it all inside of you, so we had to create universes. Even now, in your hearts and minds, you have universes that you have not tapped into. There is wisdom that will present itself in front of the right audience. It will present to those who are ready to receive. Not everyone is ready to receive the deity of their selfhood, the divinity who they truly are. (End of whispering)

When you are enjoying one another’s company in simple enjoyment, that is where God is. That is God. Sometimes there is a being who has studied all their life to prepare for correcting something that took the life of someone whom they loved. The result of their loss is to focus, to take that wisdom with great respect to repair and heal. That type of response is divinity in action. There are those who are trying to prevent you from receiving the knowledge that we have always shared generously. But we also know expanded knowledge cannot be received in big gulps, only in little increments.

Her (Akeeya’s) purpose has been to remind every soul that love survives. You cannot drown love. You cannot burn it or destroy it. Love survives. It survives heartbreak and it survives death. It survives disrespect. Love is our purpose. To be touched with love and held with love is becoming such a rare commodity on this planet. You see one another and perhaps recognize one another, but the expressions of love could be improved so much.

Take one weapon of mass destruction and think about what it is capable of doing. Think about the cost of that one weapon. What if you were to take even one percent of what that weapon cost and gave it to a single mother who is raising her children while working three jobs. What if you gave it to her so she could have a safe home for her family that she doesn’t have to slave in order to possess. She could be with her children and love them. She could take them out to the gardens. She could interact with them.

There are people who are busing their children to strangers who are trained to do what they do. In all their sincerity, they will assist and create with their talents and abilities. But they are separating the youth from their mothers too soon, too early. Children need flesh. They need touch. They will find friends soon enough. Currently, the role of the mother, the role of the goddesses is also now shared by men. And that is beautiful.

I was not created just to be a goddess. I was created to love and to nurture. And on this planet, the female goddess energy is rising up stronger than possibly in any of the many generations before. The women are rising up and they are speaking of the disrespect that they have endured, not just on this planet, but on other planets also. Women have never been less than men. They create life and they bear and birth life. They nurture life and yet they are considered secondary. On this planet, no more. That posture was not created by me and will never be of me.

We would speak of fidelity, devotion and commitment. A child deserves to have committed loved ones around them. And how wonderful for the grandmothers and grandfathers who are able to provide that, to give them the moment they truly appreciate. Grandparents are not rushing around trying to just survive. Do you see how on this planet how many people are taking, and taking and taking what I have so generously given? There is more than enough to sustain every life form on this planet. Know your space and respect it. Know your purpose and respect it. There are many who will not be disrespected because of individuals like yourself, Diane. You respected them. That is also the gift you have given to our goddess. (Meaning Akeeya) You have given her respect, even when she cannot understand it.

All of you on this planet are shielded. Do you think that we would allow anyone to be incarnated on this planet with all of the knowledge that we have? No, we will not. It is too much for the human to bear. Just the knowledge of your personal lives is a lot to bear. There are things that we do not reveal out of respect for you. We do it that way so that you can enjoy a renewal, a rebirth when reexperiencing various things. And that is our purpose. It has always been our purpose that you can experience a beautiful sunset once again. We want you to walk through the woods and feel the peace, renewal and rebirth therein.

Even we have to go through that, otherwise we don’t learn a greater appreciation. You are here out of a greater appreciation. You are a part of creation that we want to repeat over and over again. We do want to sit and visit with you. We enjoy what we create in your stories. Sure, there are the same stories told over and over again with different characters and different scenarios. If you look at it all you will see that, that is the core of creation.

There are difficulties that we see at this time. Sometimes, there are those who are given a great gift to create. But they take it for granted and don’t appreciate it. When that happens, it’s time for there to be change. You are here to create the change, to help and to assist others in their appreciation for survival, for connection and for divinity. We deities are not just out there. We do come to visit, and we are here. We have spoken about this before, and we have told many. We come through many forms, the many expressions of faith and in so many other ways. There is no exclusivity or exclusion, for we are in all.

We are here to assist, to heal and to shake things up. We are here to help people remember how valuable they are. People just need time to sit with one another. What would it be like if someone who has disrespected you, if they stopped for a minute and truly appreciated you? What if they didn’t take you for granted, if they looked forward to when you walked through the door? What if that person smiled because seeing your face brought them great joy? Does any of this cost anything? Do you have to invest in paper or metal to experience this? No, no you just have to care. And we speak to you of the Rhammah masters. Their wisdom is necessary as it cuts through all illusions.

We care, and we are experiencing just as you are. You are all ancient as we are. You are all gods and goddesses composed of divine elements. Many of your dreams are planets that you created and that you are tending to. Know this as you are dreaming. Realize that there are worlds that you are creating, worlds that have been created for you. So, take out your crayon box. Take out your canvases and create. Do what is necessary to create happiness, peace, respect and honor.

When you feel forced to respect and honor someone who is despicable, you cannot create with that. It only creates bitterness. We would say this to you. Just because it looks human, doesn’t mean it is. Just because it is in a position of authority, does not mean it is. Look past the illusions. Look past that which is created to control you and prevent you from creating. They can get you to work eighty hours a week. But, unless you are creating with your purpose, from what delights you, you are being disrespected.

In this system, on this planet there are so many great masters. If you were to examine each master, you would find that the core of them needed to be nurtured somehow, someway. Nurturing does not always happen in the most optimum environments. But the basic skills of survival, like alertness and awareness are within. Some of the greatest masters on this planet have endured things that are unimaginable, yet they have created such things of beauty. Some things only matter when they are created in a moment. Other things get created that will not matter in the moment, yet they are necessary for future moments.

Find peace with each other. Be at peace with each other. Oftentimes, when there is a communion of souls and spirits, there is something that we need to receive from whomever we are communing with. Other times we feel the need to give to whomever we are communing with. And if we feel the gifts are not acknowledged, there are times we can get upset, or it can take us along different thought patterns.

I would be the first to say, “My oceans, my beautiful oceans, what have you done? What have you done to them?” Think of how you would feel if somebody walked through that temple door and defecated all through this house and then walked away. It is not okay. But in spite of the offense, great masters are emerging in response to the trash in the seas. They are learning to convert matter into other things. They are learning that there are resources and knowledge which are available to make things right.

So, do make things right between each other. If that means being silent and stopping the arguments, then let there be silence. Make things right with each other. Sometimes, when you are forced to do something that you do not want to do, it is necessary. But we caution those who are forcing even adults. They are making them do things that they aren’t capable of doing or were never capable of doing. There are things that are being forced.

Our creations remind those who are not paying attention, that we Creators live. This is a living, breathing planet and you are living, breathing deities. We must make changes to this planet in order to assure its survival. And we will do it. We mean no disrespect, but we do require respect. The Earth is belching and vomiting. The Earth is defecating what it has been forced to endure. And that will not be allowed to continue to happen.

If you don’t respect creation, then this planet will respect herself which will cause calamities, and which will bury civilizations, and which will annihilate pollution. The Earth is reclaiming herself. It is time to clean up this mess. Be mindful of your homes, your sacred edifices and your places of comfort. Repair them and sustain them. Keep them well and don’t allow anything unclean to enter therein.      

Photo by Falco Negenman on Unsplash