I sure am grateful for the United Way and all the programs available to assist those in need. I have benefited from their patron’s generous donations and counseling services.

The Court Advocate sat across from me crossed legged on the chair. “We have services available to assist you through this crisis.” She said, encouraging me to at least attend one counseling session.

Being in hospitals or sitting in waiting rooms can be very difficult for me. Over the decades I’ve recognized how many layers of energy are in such scenarios and the effects on me - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The waiting room at the Southwest Suburban Family Shelter had a layer to it that was heart wrenching, yet there was a safe space feeling about it. None were caused to suffer there.

I learned so much through counseling. She was safe. One day I decided to tell her the truth.

“I think I’m crazy.” 

She asked me why I thought that? She listened - just as you are – to the stories.

She asked me questions…

One day she said to me, “You’re not crazy. You’re gifted.”

In that moment, my heart released years of tears.

Many Blessings


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