Psychic Amnesia happens often to participants and/or clients, when I share my mystical gifts. It definitely happens at every Psychic Gallery I present, which is why I do not wait for the participant(s) to acknowledge anything I share. Sometimes it takes time to process the information and energies that comes through.

Psychic Amnesia is when an individual’s memory goes totally blank about the important details of their life. They can forget their own name; the names of their children; where they were born; et cetera… They can even become unable to talk or move.

A fine example of Psychic Amnesia happened in a Christian church I had been asked to clear, due to unusual paranormal activity. Upon arrival, a lovely spirit named “Holly” greeted me and was eager to assist Mr. V and I. She was very clear about how she had died, and that she had been active in the church’s choir and affairs. When I shared with the group of church board members (who requested to be present during the clearing) her name, everyone shook their heads very adamantly and exclaimed they had no idea who I was talking about. “Holly” looked frustrated as she pointed to one of the church members and told me that was her best friend, and she was “…like a second mother to my daughter.” She spoke about her husband by name, and how difficult her passing had been for him to process. Well, the woman “Holly” referred to looked at me like I had lost my mind! She refuted everything “Holly” shared. With a dramatic roll of her eyes she stated, “If I had a best friend named “Holly”, don’t you think I would know that, especially if she was like a second mother to her daughter?!” All the church ladies were in agreement, obviously they had proof I was a fake, although the Reverend had confidence in my abilities. It was then that “Holly” told me there was a picture of her, with others hanging in the church. I mentioned that to “Holly’s” best friend and those who were witnessing the clearing I was doing.

I have learned over the decades that nothing interferes more with the vital information coming through the veil, than a skeptic. I’ve trained myself not to focus on disbelief, because it makes me question the information I am receiving. When I am skeptical about my own abilities, I am not in service of the Divine. In fact, I’ve learned it’s good when someone is skeptical, because in the long run, it confirms my gifts and abilities. I have a sacred obligation not to edit what the Divine shares with me for others benefit. I am accountable to God/dess. Believe me when I say, I do not want to return to the Divine without integrity.

Because of the skepticism interfering with the flow of my job, I asked the church board members for privacy to complete the clearing. A short time afterwards, there was a tentative knock on the door. There stood all the church ladies, excited, smiling, and looking at me very apologetically. I was curious about the shift in their attitudes. Sure enough, there WAS a photo of “Holly” in the church foyer. It turned out “Holly” was her last name, not her first, which is why her best friend said she didn’t make the connection. And yes, her husband was named … Upon this revelation, I was treated with the utmost respect and kindness.

What I found fascinating about the clearing at that church, was the huge nursing home behind it, and the massive electrical powerlines in-between. I discovered many patients who had lived there, crossed over with either Dementia and Alzheimer’s, and were drawn to the light; music; singing; and prayers, of the church upon death, confusing it for the Other Side. They literally were trapped in the maze of mirrors inside the church. “Holly” successfully helped me talk with them and direct them to the Light.

I’m certain, over time, the church will have to be cleared again, due to the proximity of the powerlines and nursing home, but in that moment, all was well.    

There are many other instances of Psychic Amnesia I or others who have experienced it could share, but you get the gist!

Many Blessings,

