The answers you were waiting for are finally here.
Mamakeeya will answer your one question in an audio format sent directly to your email for download. You can ask questions about the past, present, or the future. Find answers to perplexing personal problems, or see what’s up ahead in your career. Whether your question is about finances, love and romance, Divine guidance, metaphysical or spiritual in nature we have your answers. Mamakeeya will connect with her highest Divine guides and channel the responses, visions or messages to your questions. The answers may be quite short and simple or complex at times, but the messages are clear.
What to expect when you Ask Mamakeeya:
Ask your question in the questionnaire form that will come up. Please be as specific as you need to be to ask your question in detail. You will receive an audio recorded response in MP3 format within 48 hours sent to your e-mail.