Man in the Mirror Channeling | Messages from your Ancestors, Pleiadians and Divine Mother Creator
*** (Please Note: Akeeya does not remember anything that is said during these sessions. Opinions and comments are not personally hers. Even where it says “Akeeya’s Seer Voice,” she is telling what she is being told by guides, celestial beings and the Divine Mother and what flows from her higher self. Those participating in live sessions also have no control over the answers and content once the sessions begin. Transcripts and editing make the information more readable while attempting to be accurate to its content.)
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Transcript of a Video Session with Akeeya – Edited by Diane Doughman
[Akeeya’s Voice] Hello everyone, it’s me, The Goddess Mama Akeeya, and I have my friend David here. (David is a plum-sized clear quartz crystal skull) When I’m utilizing David in amplifying healings, sometimes different crystals will appear in his skull. Some of you may be able to see the rainbows in this video. David will assist me in this channeling. I will also be using one of the Kabballah’s 72 names of God to help me get into the prophecy and parallel universe arena.
At a certain point, Diane will be asking questions. Thank you so much for being here and enjoying this energy. I hope it is a good one for you. I have a singing bowl and a singing bell that I am going to use to raise the vibrations before I begin. So here we go. I’ll ring the bell first. (Starts striking the bell.) When I am ringing the bell, it is better for you not to be distracted. If you are going to pay attention to the channeling, this is a good time to get into the energy. (Akeeya rings and tones the bell.)
[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] I hear a Michael Jackson song playing. (She sings) “I always feel like somebody’s watching me.” That’s funny because I’m ringing the bell and I’m hearing that song in my head. (She resumes with bell toning for several minutes.)
I usually have my eyes closed doing this because the visions come in much clearer with my eyes closed. And it’s so fun, because I heard the Michael Jackson song, and then I heard a voice say, “The conversation today is going to be about the man in the mirror.” I could feel music coming in and then I heard the song, “The Man In the Mirror,” which is an excellent song. I will continue to ring the bell and say words of prayer asking for the clearest transmission of all the wisdom. (Rings bell.)
All of the sudden, it was like I was in this beautiful garden, a massive garden. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place as massive as this. Everything is blossoming beautifully, and there are all types of people gathered. It reminds me of Ravinia, (An outdoor music festival in Chicago, Illinois) where people will bring a blanket, some wine, cheese and crackers, and listen to some great music.
In the center now, right in front of me, is Liberace. He is smiling and his piano is white. The keys of the piano are glistening, and he said, “Check this out Akeeya.” I know the white keys are made of ivory, but the black keys, I don’t know what they are made of as I don’t play the piano. (White keys were initially made of an ivory veneer and black keys were traditionally made of ebony wood.)
These black keys, he is telling me, are Obsidian keys. I thought that was really cool. He is saying, “Look Akeeya, the keys are obsidian.” (Liberace passed away in 1987, so Akeeya is describing him in a heavenly, other dimensional presentation which she sees and hears.) It would be a good idea, for those of you who are interested, to look up the physical properties of black obsidian and also ivory. It is just beautiful to watch him. He is in a white silver costume. His outfit reminds me of Elvis for some reason. But he looks great. He looks happy.
There are people behind him who may be his backup singers, or they are there for harmony. He says it is his little angel choir, a host of angels who are there to sing. He says that throughout this channeling they will be singing and providing background music. And there will be those who will actually hear it on the recording, or when watching it. Also, they might hear it in their minds. This background singing is meant to lift the mood, to lift your vibrations and assist you in achieving your most auspicious goals.
It is wonderful now, because everyone who was in this huge garden are all together. And I feel like I am supposed to say this. I haven’t rung my singing bowl yet, but I am supposed to tell you that these are your loved ones. These are some of your loved ones whom I have interacted with in my career here on this planet, in this dimension, and on this mission. In addition, some of them are people I haven’t met before, but others have recommended that they be present on the other side. So, they are here gathering with you.
A lot of times when people come to visit me and share time with me, they do so to connect with their loved ones on the other side. I’m supposed to tell you this, for them it is a wonderful Ravinia moment. They can relax and enjoy you with no pressure. There is nothing and nowhere they have to be except for here. This is where they want to be. That song is playing again. My psychic juke box is playing the song, “No matter, no matter what you do, I only want to be with you.” That’s a special song for someone who will listen to this recording. They were married many years, and that was one of those songs which they loved. It meant something between them. It was important to them.
(FYI – Time and space work differently on the other side. This gathering of souls is stored in the ethers and can be made available whenever someone is viewing this recording or reading this script. It is not limited to the few who were present at the live recording. It is available to all at all times.)
You know who you only want to be with. You know that, but let me give you a foundation right now. I chanted the direct name of God through the Kabbalah’s 72 names of God. I was chanting and I heard this very, very clearly. It is really important for anyone who is receiving these messages to know, some of it will stick with you and some of it won’t. And that’s okay. You are either past what is being shared, or you’ve already accomplished the lessons, or perhaps it is not your time yet.
However that is, I’m supposed to emphasize this, “Do not discard what it is that you are receiving or hearing, because there are always messages within the messages. And there will be those of you who will be listening, and you will hear things that are not recorded. You won’t hear it coming out of my mouth. But you will hear it in your third-eye, in your mind and in your heart.”
How do you hear in those ways? You will hear through your emotions. You will feel something that you just can’t deny. You will know that you felt this energy, and it is important not to numb that. Don’t numb your emotions. But don’t use the emotions to harm anyone. I’m just saying to use your emotions, accept your emotions. That is how your energy field is expressing itself. It’s a wonderful thing to access during these channelings.
There are going to be a lot of different emotions that are going to be shared. Some of it is private for you. But if you have an experience that is positive, I would love to hear about it. A lot of times I don’t even know what has been said or how it has been communicated. I don’t know who is going to say, “Oh yeah, I am really going to want to listen to this.” I just know that the Divine is saying, here is what I want you to say. So, you can see me as a microphone, an amplification for the Divine. There is no left or right for me, it’s just stay straight and look.
(The evening before this session, Diane had brought to Akeeya two large Rose Quartz generator towers from the Tucson Gem Show. Akeeya had placed them in two different spots in her room. The next morning she told Mr. V and Diane that the room was filled with huge Rose Quartz towers in the etheric space.)
Now, before I ring my singing bowl, I will tell you that I am surrounded by these massive Rose Quartz pillars. They are all around me, and they look like obelisks. There are twelve of them, and they are so beautiful. They face all of the directions of the compass. I see one in front of me, one right behind me, and two on the sides. It almost looks like there is a clock of Rose Quartz around me, which I think is wonderful. I think I am right at the center of time and dimension. I’m at the center point where I can access all these different areas. I can do that through prayer, through meditation and faith.
But, let me emphasize this, “If anything is spoken to you that is contrary to your path, you don’t have to dissect it. You don’t have to accept it. You can just move on.” This is not a presentation to offend anyone. That is not why we are doing this. We are doing this because the Divine has said it does need a voice at this time. And I just happen to be one of the microphones, which I am grateful for. And it has worked all these years.
When this microphone gets turned on, and people come in and they say, “Wow, how did you know that?” I don’t know it. The Big Kahuna knows it. That’s what I sometimes call God, who is the Creator, the Goddess also. I will not limit the Divine, because look around you. Look at what has been created, whether it is energy, or science. Look around you at all that is a miracle. So let’s see what we can create with this time together. Here goes my singing bowl. (Akeeya plays the bowl.)
I don’t think this has ever happened before, but I am going to just tell you about it. This is how it rolls when I go in. I only rang that bowl once, and I’m still looking at this audience which surrounds me. It is massive, like five football stadiums filled with people. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people are present at this time on the other side. I think this is the first time this has ever happened to me. So I want to share it, as it is significant to me.
They all applauded. And I don’t think they are just applauding me. I think they are applauding you. I think that they are proud of you, and impressed with you. So, pat yourself on the back, because your loved ones and those you really, truly miss and your ancestors, they are applauding us. I’ve never seen that before. It’s amazing to me. But they are applauding and are still applauding. I can hear some of them saying, “Bravo, bravo.”
You have gone through things that some of them never had to experience or navigate through. You have survived. This is for those of you who have cried a million tears and wondered how you were going to make it day by day. I hear that song playing, “Day by day, day by day, oh sweet Lord these things I pray.” That’s what I’m hearing. Thank you guys for applauding. We are going to continue on here. (Commences ringing the bowl again.)
There is this energy in front of me. It is very pink, and ever moving. It has all kinds of elements to it, like sparkles. And it smells wonderful. I feel like I’ve been bathed in this fluffy energy of just pure love and pure joy. It is flowing like a blossoming flower or lotus. It’s beautiful. And now it’s underneath me, lifting me up and up so that I can see these people, your ancestors, your loved ones, your friends and family. There are people whom you admired, like great musicians and artists, leaders and inspiring personas.
I’m above it, and I’m looking down. What I said looked like five football stadiums filled with people, there is more than that. It is massive, and there are layers of beings who are here. Not all of them are what we consider to be human. There are beings that I think are Pleiadeans. The reason I am saying Pleiadeans is because they love to ride the waters of the Earth. They love to enjoy the sea creatures. It is like watching them in a dimension where if I were walking in it, I’d fall down.
It is as if these beings are surfing through the dimensions. It’s so wonderful to see them. And I hear a little voice say, “Yes we are surfing through the dimensions.” I think it is really, really cool. It’s like our lives, our stories are like “Cosmic Netflix’s” for them. They have their favorite shows and series. There are shows they want to watch and observe. When you like something, you watch it and watch it again. They are reminding us how important it is when we review or recycle thoughts which are wonderful and joyful. Remember the things that make you smile. It stimulates your mind when you remember those thoughts, the good stuff.
They are showing me how some have their backs are up against stuff. It reminds me of when people are trying to force their way through the doors to humanity, but the Pleiadeans are resisting that. They have their backs up against it, because at this time it is vital that we focus on the joy, the play, the love and the happiness. It’s vital, because we are witnessing, as your ancestors and loved ones have pointed out, things that they never had to experience unless it was a supreme time.
So, the Pleiadeans are pushing against the doors which will eventually open. But it is important for us to give ourselves time. Give yourself time to balance your energy field through the tremendous shifts that are happening right now. Do that by focusing on the good. Sometimes we talk about the victims. I don’t think there is anyone on this planet who hasn’t been a victim of someone or something, weather consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly.
So, I think these Pleiadeans are trying to get across how important focusing on the good is. It is especially important when you are bombarded with negativity and restrictions, bombarded by debt, addiction, death and suicide. The comfort comes from focusing on the things that are and will continue to be wonderful. Nothing is ever truly lost unless that is necessary. If you’ve lost someone or something, these Pleiadeans are telling you it was necessary, for whatever reason. Maybe it is a loss that helps with gratitude, or maybe with compassion.
A lot of times when something is lost, there is something vitally important that needs to be addressed. Why do you consider it a loss? And can you focus on the good that was in what you feel you have lost. Focusing on that will assist you through these various waves and shifts, which all the cosmos is going through right now. Let me tell you something. I heard this just right now from the Big Kahuna. Some people say, “Is God male, is God female?” God IS! God just is, so you can put your spin on it if you want.
I had an uncle on the other side who always made me smile. He was a chief of police in Indiana. He would call me and say, “Are you a psychic? Oh, you’re psycho.” He would say that, and I would just laugh and laugh. I would say, “Why would you say that?” But, he always treated me with great respect and kindness. Like him, everyone may have a perception of me. And everyone will have a perception of you. But ask yourself, “What is your perception right now of what you are experiencing in your life?” Let’s talk about your relationships. Look close at what you draw near to you, and who pays attention to you and why. What are their intentions and what are yours?
There is a change that humanity has gone through. The first part was December 21st of 2012. And then we had another one that came up also in December of 2020. We are in a new cycle of creation. God is creating and God is very excited. When I say God, it means whoever your higher power is. Who do you think created all of this? If you created it, then it’s you I’m talking about. But God is in a creative mode, and I want you to roll with it.
Roll with what is being created, because God is creating right now. You will experience such joy by allowing yourself to create and knowing you are supposed to create. That is especially true if it is something that unifies this planet, or makes someone smile, or helps someone who will be so grateful for your invention. Have you ever watched kids when they are drawing? They are just scribbling around at first. But eventually they get more detailed. Sometimes things have to be erased, but it’s not going to be limited.
You may notice that there are things which are going to be erased in your ancestral lines and in your lifetimes. It is time for that, because you can’t create with that anymore. It’s wacked out and doesn’t work. So, in order to shift, we need to stop hurting each other, especially for gain. You don’t have permission to do that. Yet generations upon generations, upon generations have been hurting each other. They are not thinking about it in the moment, but generations to come will be hurt by that behavior.
So, it’s time for creation. And that means there will be Earth changes, major Earth changes. It means priorities will matter. It means your next-door neighbor does matter, even if they are a jerk. So, what are you going to create with these changes? You can create peace in your own home. And that’s really important. I’m hearing this from the Big Kahuna. One of the vital things about the isolation we’ve gone through with pandemic, is that we’ve had more time to spend with each other, with the people who are closest to us. There are no excuses like I’ve got an appointment, I’ve got to do this or that.
You see, we are together in these changes, together as humans, as creatures, critters, plants, water and everything. We are in this together, and yeah many things have been violated. Those violations were not sanctioned by the Divine. And regarding anyone, especially in your institutions, who have hurt others, especially innocents, I will say something very loud. They may have thought they were speaking for or representing the Divine. But I’m going to say it like this, “OH HELL NO! That ain’t flying anymore!!!”
The Divine is creating now, and creating with the best. Do you know that you are the best of the best of the best? Do you know how heartbreaking it is to see neighborhoods that have children killing children? Why is that even necessary? What does it prove? What does it solve? It solves nothing!!! We must all stop hurting each other. Being kind sometimes takes effort. And it isn’t to stand there and record the drama, to record the details that aren’t even the most important details.
Focus on what it is that you can create or assist the Divine in creating. You are all masters of some sort. We must stop the killing. We must stop the suffering. How do we do that? We do it by focusing on what is good. I’m supposed to tell you this story because the Big Kahuna says so. It is of a sensitive nature to me, but I trust the Divine and have faith in the Divine.
When I was growing up, my father used to train troops. I think he worked with Seals and troops in the Great Lakes. And that man knew how to command an army. He raised us like he raised his troops. And if we started to cry about something, I remember he would say, “I will give you something to cry about.” I know it’s considered wrong now, but there were generations of parents who would say, “You want to cry? I’ll give you something to cry about.”
So, sadly, I learned not to cry. I learned that even in the most difficult situations, I would hold feelings back. I’d do that because if I gave myself something to cry about, my father would hit me in the head. Not my ass, but he’d hit my head. And if you got hit too many times in the head, something’s not right. But, the point of this story is what the Big Kahuna wants me to tell you about. There will be some things you want to cry about. There are things many of you will cry about. There are many of you who feel you have been abandoned, that you’ve prayed and prayed and thought, “Where is the answer to my prayer?”
God wants to tell you this. “I want to give to you. I’m ready to create for you things that you can be happy about. Express your joy and your happiness. Be with those whom you have fun with, the ones you really, truly connect with. The more you do that, the more the Divine will add upon it. You can be the sunshine in someone’s life, even in your own life. The Beatle’s song is playing in my head. “All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people…” It’s playing in my head.
Many times there are those of you who are so beautiful and so loveable, yet you are lonely. And some of you can’t even go to your families. Such people are lonely, but the Divine is saying very clearly, “Choose your happiness, focus on your happiness. If you do that, others will be drawn to you, and you will not be lonely anymore. If you hide yourself, how are you going to draw that joy to you?”
You have a generation of individuals who are holing themselves up in a room with a computer screen, snacks and drinks. They are not interacting with other human beings. You are meant to interact with others. How can we be kind to one another if we don’t interact with others somehow, or in some way? Are you listening to what people are saying about what makes them happy? I’m sure you’ve heard what’s made them sad. You have heard it like broken records, over and over again, the same story.
Part of the shifts and changes in this new dimension, in this new world is to acknowledge that sadness. But also let liberating and creative things come from a better perspective, and from better opportunities for yourself. And yeah, you are going to fail sometimes. But isn’t that great. You need to fall on your face a few times so you can get back up.
I hear that song playing in my head. It goes, “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You ain’t never going to keep me down, cause I get back up.” I hear that in my head. So, get back up. In my youth we had these things that you could blow up and they were like punching bags. I had one that had Bozo the clown on it. You could just punch that clown. And no matter how much I would punch that clown, it would come right back up again. It would make me laugh.
[Divine Mother Speaks] This is a time for us to just get back up again. And some of the things that are knocking people down, knock it off!! I’m talking about those of you who feel it’s okay to take a gun and shoot innocents. You think you are a big something or another, like you earned something. No you didn’t. You didn’t earn anything. You didn’t earn shit.
[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] That’s coming from the Big Kahuna. I’m not editing. I just wanted you to know that the Big Kahuna swears. And if anybody tells you no, He/She doesn’t swear. Like, who do you think created language? And sometimes we have to express ourselves with those words, okay.
So, anyhow, I’m supposed to tell you to help each other get back up. Help each other! Watch out for the chronic victim or martyr types. You know who they are, just wallowing and not trying to get up. We are talking about helping those who are genuine out there. Look into the eyes of children. Are they hungry? Do they need to be recognized? And when I say children, the Big Kahuna is talking about all who take this wisdom.
What is it that we can help each other with in order to help ourselves get back up? I am so grateful that in many lifetimes, I have been able to present myself in the flesh. I can bless those who have provided a good meal, a warm bed, a comforting hug and wonderful gifts. So what will you create? With all that in mind, now we are going to have Diane ask some questions which she put together on her ride here to see the Goddess in her temple. We are very grateful for everyone who is here. Okay Diane, what’s the first question?
(Diane Speaks: Divine Mother has been coming through for a number of years now and speaking with us through you, Akeeya. I would like to know what her observations about humanity are so far?) (Akeeya spends a few moments breathing audibly as she goes back into channel.)
[Akeeya’s Seer Voice] I’m supposed to remind you not to get distracted. Don’t get distracted from why you were created and what you were meant to experience. I heard her say, “You are my creations. You are always in my heart. It takes bold spirits to stand in the changing of the Cosmic Seasons.” Every planet goes through cycles just as we go through seasons. This is a season of creation for all of humanity. It is also a time for accountability. Hold violators accountable for their atrocities, not for the atrocities of their ancestors, but for their own actions.
[Divine Mother Speaks] History has perspectives that are recorded, but much of history is not recorded, nor is the truth always recorded. What do I think of humanity at this time? You are all on a journey of truth. Listen to each other’s truths. Discern whether it is your truth or not. Just because they say it, that doesn’t make it so. You are experiencing seasons of truth. So, be honest with yourselves. Observe those who are closest to you. See the truth of your relationships. Evaluate why you are in them, and why you continue to be in them. Does that relationship assist you in creating and being your authentic self? Are you able to create a utopia with one another?
So many seasons of he said, she said have gone past. There are betrayers, those who tell half-truths, those who squash other’s imaginations. What do I think of humanity right now? I think what I have always thought of humanity. Sometimes you are foolish and sometimes you are wise. But know this, you are each divine creations. You must decide how best you create. Can you create when there is disease, chaos and ambiguousness? What do you admire that has been created? Is it the work of a master? Are the warm fuzzies what you must have by your side?
Many of you are finally, truly awake. And in being truly awake, you will have the experience of the most marvelous dreams. There will be dreams that come true and dreams that are about reality. If you cannot create certain dreams for yourself, then assist others in achieving their dreams. Perhaps there was something that held you back from the things which you always wanted to do. It was because of whatever circumstances you were unable to actuate. But now you have the resources available to assist others in achieving, in creating their dreams.
Know that dreams go far beyond what is considered wealth by Capitalists. That’s just a projected scenario. You can have the most beautiful scenario around you and not enjoy one moment of it. Perhaps that’s because your heart is broken. Or perhaps it’s because you are disappointed, or depressed. I believe humanity is awakened to those moments which are essential parts of the eternal dream.
For example, isn’t it refreshing to drink a wonderful beverage? Isn’t it even more refreshing to be able to share that with someone? Isn’t that wonderful? What a delight it is to sit and have a meal with people you enjoy, with no interference from anything else. You can just enjoy good food and great company. Turning to one another for support and comfort is something you can do. But, if you turn to others for support and comfort from the perspective of perpetual victimhood, you have accomplished nothing.
Get up and create, right here and right now in this dimension, in this time. Some of the greatest minds now exist. They are not young souls, but they are seasoned. No matter what vessel they come in, whether it is a newborn or a hundred-year-old man, they are the greatest here on this planet. And there are all those who have represented and shown up for you. Those souls have learned the hard way where they have not supported their loved ones, and the consequences of that.
But know that some of those consequences were actually good. Why? Because many of those who suffered the worst atrocities, they have not stayed in atrocity. They moved forward with what they knew was good, what was worthy of their time and investment. They improved their environments, their homes and their dispositions in addition to supporting the wellbeing of their communities.
Throughout the history of this planet, there have been those who have endeavored to destroy tribes. And they did so without all the modern conveniences. But most people learned to respect the land. They learned to use what was provided FREELY!!! When a member became sick, the village would come together. The tribe would come together, and their energy would be focused on healing the one who was sick.
I speak of those from the very beginning who were created to support and sustain each other in their youth, adolescence, and as adults. It was a community, a tribe. It is time for humanity to recognize who its tribes are. A tribe assists you in surviving. A tribe assists you in reaching your highest goals. What character are you in this discourse of humanity? Are you the shaman? Because there is the need of many shamans.
When I say shamans, they are those who sincerely, truly want to heal. They learn to heal and share healing using whatever modality they can. There is a need for that. Pray for those who have jobs which you consider to be for the uneducated, yet they sustain humanity. Your greatest education is here. This is why you are here.
What’s you second question Diane? (Diane Speaks: In the past, there have been compacts or covenants made between what was known as God and humanity. Do you have any new covenants or guidance to bequeath to humanity?)
[Divine Mother Speaks] Humanity may be conscious of this or not. It applies whether you consider yourself an Atheist, a religious member, or an independent Spiritualist. Whatever it is that you choose, whatever you honor in your life, the covenants of the heart are most sacred to me. If you abandon your heart, you abandon me. There are many who have regrettably abandoned their talents, their loved ones and their joy. But there is a difference between that and detaching with love from something or someone because it is necessary for your health or safety.
So, regarding a covenant I say, “Honor each other’s hearts, but don’t abandon your own.” Your heart will tell you what you need more of. Here is one example. You may be with a partner, and you have been repeating over and over again that you need more affection, more attention. It seems like that person has been distancing themselves, and you are becoming like a broken record. In such instances, if you have abandoned your own heart, then you really need to pay attention to that. Pay attention to that kind of situation.
I will tell you, that many of you stay in those situations because you don’t want to abandon the person who has abandoned you, who has abandoned your emotions. Honor each other’s hearts, but don’t abandon your own. You must stand up for yourselves and your own hearts. The truest of loves does not include abandonment. One doesn’t abandon the truest of loves, one who has filled their heart. They don’t abandon them because they became old or wrinkled, or because they are no longer sexy enough. Don’t abandon your own heart. Other people have found love, especially in places where they haven’t been abandoned, where they are accepted for who they are.
Please don’t lock out others because of your judgments, or because you think that you know what is best for them. Most souls will rebel when something is not for them, when they know something doesn’t resonate with them. You don’t have to force feed people your truth. And yet, this is often done in my name. So, another covenant would be, honor your truth. Honor your truth, and don’t force feed it to someone for whom it is not their truth. It’s not necessary. I am still creating new flowers, new creatures, and more is always revealed. I honor what is created. There are some things that you have not even discovered yet. Nor will you be able to discover them in this lifetime, but perhaps in another.
I will speak to you about this also. You are eternal. But you are not meant to suffer eternally. You will experience suffering in this dimension so that you might seek peace, release and healing. Your experiences can also heal others. If suffering manifests, something needs to be healed. There are those amongst you whose agenda is to silence the suffering which they inflict onto others. But, I hear those who suffer needlessly. I treasure those who find a way beyond their needless suffering to bring comfort and healing to others. Suffering is not a punishment. It is an opportunity to make things better.
When you can, please comfort those who are suffering. You don’t have to make a big parade about it. Many who suffer, do so in silence. You will be inspired in many ways, and you will just know what to do to help others. We all want confirmation, but sometimes you don’t need a confirmation. You just need to trust that inner voice. Trust when your heart tells you, “I can do this, because for some reason I know I am supposed to. In a positive, healing, healthy way, I know this is going to assist on some level.”
Give generously from your hearts, and then let it go. Don’t keep a list. Don’t do that, because you know who is going to keep a list? The people whose lives you touch will. There are people all around you right here and right now who need you. I know I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t have created you. You are not expected to do everything yourself. But you are expected to do your very best. You are expected to do it your way, in your style. And if you have to change things up, then change things up. Add color to your life, to the environment around you.
Have you noticed that I didn’t make a black and white world? It’s not just black and white, even though that is beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. No, I create from my heart. Be colorful, whatever colors that is. Have you noticed and recognized that your emotions are colorful? They do have colors to them. What color is depression to you, grey, dark, black and muted? And yet that’s what’s necessary for the stars to shine.
Think about it. Enjoy the color that is around you. And if there is a color you particularly enjoy, saturate yourself in it. The future of humanity is very colorful. There are things that anger you right now, injustices that have perpetuated for generations and generations, including sexual violations, slavery, debt. But those will be a thing of the past. You will see this. You will see that people will not even recognize such things. It will not be of importance or even exist for them, because of the work that is being done at this time in humanity.
Voices are being heard. They speak for the ones who don’t want to remain silent anymore. But remember this, please honor your elderly. Honor those who came before you. Find out about what brought them joy in their time, in their generations. Don’t dismiss them. And who are you to correct them. Share your truth, but it is not up to you to correct the elderly. They are your ancestors, your ancient ones. They should be revered, and taken care of, honored and enjoyed. So, listen to their stories.
For those of you who are listening right now, know this. You will come across someone, perhaps a stranger, or a loved one who is much older than you. They will have been around the block a few times. Listen to their stories. You’ll find many of them, many of those who are elders now. They went through shit you can’t even imagine, and they didn’t complain. I hear a lot of complaining now about things, unnecessary complaining. You’ve heard of unnecessary suffering. I speak to you of unnecessary complaining. Shift that tendency. How about focusing on a little bit more of necessary gratitude?
Do you know that some of your elders had only two pairs of shoes in their entire lifetimes? Did you know that has happened? Think about it. How about all those little mamas out there who go to work, to school, raise the kids and are active in their communities? They would sure appreciate a little gratitude now, wouldn’t they? How about those doctors who sacrifice time with their families to heal the sick? They don’t just write out prescriptions. They really make a difference to cure. How about a little gratitude for them?
How about more gratitude for those who put their lives on the line for you so that you might have a peaceful community? Consider showing a little extra gratitude? So please, stop the unnecessary complaining. Work on replacing it with necessary gratitude, for gratitude is necessary. Don’t engage in phony, baloney gratitude. Show real gratitude. You know when somebody’s really grateful for you. I will only entertain one more question.
(Diane Speaks: Humans tend to form strong concepts of identity with things such as country, culture, race, religion and ethnicity. These constructs can be strengthening, but they also seem to foster conflicts between groups. Would it be wise to temper these fixations with more universal concepts, or should they continue the more traditional concepts and hang onto them?)
[Divine Mother Speaks] There are some things that you just need to leave alone. Let it be. Let it be. If it’s not healthy or not good, it will fade out as long as there are those who stand for what is balanced and healthy. We talked about tribes earlier. I enjoy the many, many tribes of the Universe. They all have a different way of dressing and dancing, differences in what they eat, how they conduct their celebrations. These things are good.
In the history of this planet, there have been those who are constantly trying to take what doesn’t belong to them, what has never belonged to them. There are things that belonged to all. It was peaceful the way it was, yet some people came and brought in discord. Such actions have occurred all over your planet. But, there are also, always gatherings of like-minded individuals whose intentions are to build creation in the most positive ways.
As I spoke to you earlier, generations are coming who will not know debt. Debt will not exist, not at all. If you need a new pair of shoes, it’s not that it will just be given to you. It will be provided. But there will be an exchange of energy of some sort. There will be those who cannot exchange, of course. They will need assistance and it will be provided. And there will be no reprimand by those who might say, “We can’t afford this.” That’s not going to happen. You can’t afford to lose one heart on this planet. Fit that into your budget. Fit it in your budget. (This statement is said with considerable attitude.) I say that sarcastically.
On a daily basis, many are angry at me, at God. They call upon me as they are going to war to fight even their own brothers and sisters. These are human actions that must be resolved by humans. A song is playing, “All we are saying, is give peace a chance. All we are saying is give peace a chance.” You cannot have peace when there is unnecessary selfishness. You will not have peace when there is unnecessary bigotry. Look at the things which are not going to bring peace. Slamming the door or punching a wall doesn’t bring peace. It releases that energy, but that doesn’t contribute to peace.
Remove the things that are unnecessary, that don’t contribute to peace, and you will have peace. The song is playing, “Live and let live, live and let die.” Let people live their lives. Of course you have the right to stand up and protect yourselves when necessary. But there is the perpetual harming of one another, and it’s totally unnecessary. So where does peace begin? It begins in your heart. It begins with you, in your home.
Look at what is outside your space. Does it look peaceful? Ask if your inside is peaceful. Are you peaceful in your fridge, or in your bath? And if there is something that is not causing you peace, make the changes that are necessary. Perhaps even change your own perspective. Do you think people don’t already know how you feel? And those who don’t, are they worth your time. Think about that for a moment. Is angst worth your time?
In closing I will say to you, “Dress in your finest. Express yourself as a peacock does, naturally, beautifully in all your colors. Dress as if you care about the energy you wear on your body. Care about how you appear to others. If you appear to be contrary to those who are closest to you, then maybe there are some adjustments to be made. There are those who might say, the other ones need to make the adjustments. Again, this causes unnecessary conflict. Be who you are, dress as you like, but show up in your finest.
Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and energetically, show up in your finest. Do your very best. Express necessary gratitude. The Pleiadeans have been holding those doors shut for a season. But there will come a time when those doors will open up. It reminds me of those who are party crashers. They just come in and want to create chaos. By your peace, you will convey a clear message. That message is that you will not allow that to enter into your lives, or your future generation’s lives ever. Go in joy. Go in joy.